Following on from our 1809 expansion we've now got a useful selection of casualties for all of your Napoleonic armies, plus some handy civilians as well!

The casualties cover all of the nations currently in our ranges and come with a variety of headgear as well, so there should be some useful proxy options here for armies we've not produced yet.

NPX2 Civilians (30) £5.25
NPX3 Austrian casualties, in helmet (10) £1.75
NPX4 Austrian casualties, in grenadier helmet (10) £1.75
NPX5 British casualties, in Belgic shako (10) £1.75
NPX6 British casualties, in stovepipe shako (10) £1.75
NPX7 French casualties, in shako (10) £1.75
NPX8 French casualties, in bearskin (10) £1.75
NPX9 Bavarian casualties, in helmet (10) £1.75
NPX10 Prussian casualties, in covered shako (10) £1.75
NPX11 Warsaw casualties, in czapska (10) £1.75
NPX12 Minor States casualties, in bicorne (10) £1.75

And a few pics:

NPX2 - Civilians:

NPX3 - Austrian casualties, in helmet:

NPX5 - British casualties, in stovepipe shako:

NPX10 - Prussian casualties, in covered shako:

NPX12 - Minor States casualties, in bicorne:

Coming next we've got some revamped WWII vehicles and then it'll be the long-awaited Indian Mutiny range!