With the dust settling on Salute, can I say , ‘Thank you’, to all those who made our trip to London so very busy and enjoyable. It was great to put faces to names and have a chat, no matter how brief. (Hi, Nicolai and Martin!) According to the organisers it was the best attended show ever, with around 6000 visitors. Well done to SLW and the organising team – from a trader’s point of view it is a very slick operation and done very well on a grand scale. Here’s to next year with Salute 51!

In terms of mail order, we are now at order #24160. We’ll be putting a lot of work into casting next week, so will be catching up very quickly.

As part of our process of upgrading and improving our product range, we have a continuing process of upgrading the presentation of our Polemos rules sets. The newest version to get the treatment is the Great Northern War booklet.

The rules are now available in full colour and have been brought up to current production standards. They scrub up very nicely indeed, if I do say so myself.
The good news is that the older sets in the Polemos series; SPQR, English Civil War, American Civil War and Franco Prussian War, have now all been reduced in price to £10.00 which represents great value for money.
No new figure releases, but I am really happy to say that I’ve managed to get a lot of the new Comnenan Byzantines photographed and posted.

Judging by sales of these at Salute, (our entire stock of army packs lasted less than an hour), this will be a popular move.
The next set of releases will be Second World War, with some US models making an appearance. Stand by also for some more codes in the redesigned Great Northern War range. Keep watching as we’ll get some previews posted over the coming weeks.
Now this is the point where, for the last few weeks, I’ve been haranguing folks to get those Salute pre-orders in to us. Well, no more of that as Salute is over and done. However, Partizan is now just around the corner, and guess what? Yes, it’s now time to get those collect orders in to us. In case you think that I am joking, just ask those chaps who turned up at our Salute stand at 11. O’ clock expecting to buy one of our shiny new Byzantine army packs…