We're all going on a Summer Holiday...
4th Aug 2023

...no more working for a week or two...

Well, not all of us, just the Baccus admin staff; the casters remain at their stations diligently spinning moulds and cranking out customer orders. However, Lindy and I will be away until the 14th August. As a result, no phone calls will be answered and emails will not get a response for a few days. All of this has not stopped us getting orders out this week, with the resulting magic number of #25111.

The observant among you may have noted that we haven’t been releasing much in the way of new releases of late. To be honest, we’ve been taking a break as holidays take their toll on staffing resources and we get some odd jobs done. This doesn’t mean that we stop planning, plotting and working on lots of new goodies and we’ve got a full slate of some very tasty subjects planned for the later summer and Autumn show season. Some of these you will know about as advertised in the last end of year missive, but there are some surprises in the offing and here’s a sneak preview of a new range that will be coming your way soon.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to a few days in the lovely Scottish countryside...