At the end of September 2006, I took delivery of a marvellous piece of sculpting work from Paul Muller.
I had planned to paint it, and keep it myself as a part of my gaming collection.
I was so pleased with it, that I posted some photos on the Dwarven Forge website, and I was inundated with requests to buy a casting. That sculpt was our best-selling Demon Idol, and so began Otherworld Miniatures.

So, here we are, 8 years later!
As has become customary, we’re celebrating our birthday with a sale. From now until 11th October, anyone placing an order through our web-store can enter the coupon code 8thbirthday. This will get you a 20% discount on all your purchases (with the exception of our Gold, Silver & Bronze Vouchers, and anything else which is already on sale).

Best birthday wishes from everyone at Otherworld Miniatures!