Painted by Sporehammer! Evil Adventurers ten different 28mm character miniatures for any system. CA3 and CA4 are now value packs and now as single miniatures too.
That Female Barbarian painting is superb!
Painted by Sporehammer! Evil Adventurers ten different 28mm character miniatures for any system. CA3 and CA4 are now value packs and now as single miniatures too.
That Female Barbarian painting is superb!
We've recently released a range of Cold War British figures, circa 1982
Mortar crew
Gun gun crew
Riflemen (many types)
Light mortar
M79 grenade launcher
12mm from £0.25 per figure
15mm from £0.50 per figure
20mm from £0.75 per figure
1/72 scale from £1.00 per figure
28mm from £1.25 per figure
The models are available in most scales.
Everything is 3D printed to order.
STL files available
Our next show is Colours, Newbury Race Course on the 14th September
Knuckleduster Miniatures has just released Federales for their new 28mm Mexican Revolution product line. These figures represent federal troops in peaked caps (resembling the British home service cap of that period). These figures are the same size as Knuckleduster's enormous Gunfighter's Ball Wild West collection.
The Mexican Revolution range started with two packs of irregulars with sombreros, banoliers, and various weapons including Mauser rifles and Winchesters. Federales are the third pack in the product line with many more releases planned for the remainder of 2024 and beyond.
Check them out at or on Knuckleduster's Facebook page.
Fingers crossed this time