As mentioned in my last email in November, the security issues with the Honour Forum have become too critical to ignore, and the old Forum is going to have to close down.

The short version is: the SimpleMachines software, while being very user friendly, has very little in the way of security. Hackers using bots were attacking the site via the Forum, sometimes over 10,000 times a day. They were looking for stored customer data, which doesn't exist, but the volume of attacks shut down the whole HONOUR site. I was faced with the choice of rebuilding an entirely new Forum with new security, using new software, or migrating to an off-site commercial chat forum like FaceBook. For the time being, I chose the latter.

Link to the new HONOUR FaceBook discussion page.

It's not an ideal situation, I know. I will also miss the SimpleMachines Forum, which served us well for over five years. I would keep it if I could, but I'm afraid there's no fix for it.

During 2019 I will be working on some new games, and that means that there will be more changes to the website as those near completion, including probably the construction of an all-new Forum within the existing security framework of my site. Until then I ask for your understanding.

I have now archived all of the player-designed game scenarios that you guys contributed over the years, so that none will be lost. I will decide in the coming months how best to preserve them and make them available to you.

In the meantime, though: if you want to download any scenarios from your favorite games, now is the time!

Good gaming,
Sam Mustafa