It's taken us some time to start getting the TB-Line ranges back into production, mainly due to all of the production moulds needing to be replaced. We're making progress now and the first to appear is the Middle Age Europe range!

This lot consists of just 3 codes but they're very nice sculpts and quite useful items as well, covering knights on foot, armed peasants and peasant archers. The figures match up very well to our own, with only 0.5mm difference in the height and a slightly slimmer style to the sculpts. We've not made any changes to the sculpts but they have been cleaned up for the new moulds and are much crisper castings.

TB Line
Middle Age Europe
TB-178 Knights on foot (30) £5.50
TB-179 Armed peasants (30) £5.50
TB-180 Peasants with bow (30) £5.50
(Packs contain 30 figures)

And the pics:

TB-178 - Knights on foot

TB-179 - Armed peasants

TB-180 - Peasants with bow

Next up in the TB Line ranges will be the Middle Ages Eastern Europe set, which we should have ready in the next fortnight hopefully.