Most of our spaceship fleets are human fleets, based as they are around the background from Wessex Games’ long-out-of-print Iron Cow ruleset. We do have a couple of alien fleets, and today one of those is getting a complete revamp.

The Yenpalo are humanoid reptilians with a thing about hexagons and the number six. Our existing fleet was designed by Phil long ago, but has been on the replacement list for a little while as the moulds aren’t in great shape. The new ships were created by James Claypole from Beadspoke Designs who offered them to us as he’d already designed them and just wanted to see them come to life as physical models.

There are five ships in this initial offering, ranging from battlecruiser down to corvette, plus a fleet pack. These replace the original Yenpalo designs which are no longer available (as I said, the moulds really did need replacing…)

SFSP-1101 – Yenpalo Attack Fleet – £22.00

SFS-1100 – Klaion class Battlecruiser – £4.50
SFS-1120 – Trepes class Heavy Cruiser – £3.25
SFS-1130 – Celeph class Destroyer – £2.00
SFS-1140 – Phlam class Frigate – £1.00
SFS-1150 – Ebhaku class Corvette – £0.75