Pack of eight 20mm Gladiator figures free on entry at Vanquish!

(supplied unpainted)
Door entry £2 adults, children under 16 free

Vanquish Gladiator tournament rules

  1. Each player receives 6 cards and a 20mm gladiator figure.
  2. Place gladiator figure in centre of Arena (there are six steps back to arena wall) and place one card facedown on table. Take a new card from the deck.
  3. Both players turn their card over, highest card wins and loser is pushed back one space - TRIP! player picks up a green counter,
  4. If pushed back a second time. STUMBLE! Replaces green counter for a yellow counter.
  5. If pushed back a third time. FALL! Player replaces yellow counter for a red one, If they can not play an evade card they are eliminated.
    5a. An evade card cannot be replaced by a new card from the deck, but that player may now play another card from the five remaining cards he holds.
  6. If at any point they avoid being pushed back they put the counter back.
  7. If a player lays a card that is double the value of his opponents, then opponents gladiator is eliminated.
  8. If a gladiator is pushed back to the arena wall his opponent must randomly pick his card. Unless he can play an evade card followed by his own choice of card. If he cannot play a higher card than his opponent, then the pinned gladiator is eliminated.