To celebrate the first new World War Two releases from TAG in 8 years, we are going to promote our World War Two range, and the Late War Germans in particular, with special offers, give-aways, limited editions, competitions and much more across the whole month of November.

In the manner of a Crowd Funding campaign I will be keeping a running total of the money spent on our WWII range, and announcing Stretch Goals to add more value it every order purchased.

The Grand Total so far is... £59.70! (one unsuspecting customer shopping before the offer is announced)

And our first Funding Target is £1000.

At £1000, we will add DOUBLE FREEBIES to all WWII orders, getting everyone an extra free soldier with every £19.50 spent (every 3 standard packs).

But to start with, and to push us to this first Funding Target we have set, we have a few new products and some special offers to tempt the WWII German gamer, painter or collector.

The reason these promotions are running, are our brand new World War Two Late War German Command Groups.

24 original 28mm miniatures, sculpted by Richard Ansell, to complement and complete our excising range of excellent white metal models.

These are the full details of the packs we plan to release at the end over November;

LWG019 German High Command

LWG020 German Senior Officers (Colonels & Major)

LWG021 German Junior Officers (Captains & Lieutenants)

LWG022 German Senior NCOs

LWG023 German Junior NCOs

LWG024 German Medics and casualties

In addition there will be a new Freebie miniature to be given away.

LWG-c Helga

On release these minis will be retailing at our normal price of £6.50 per pack, but as part of the WWII feature we are offering one of each of these new packs, and the Freebie mini, at an Early Bird price of £35.00.
Early Bird prices will end as soon as we have pictures of these minis at the end of next week.
Full details on this HERE.

Alternatively you might like to plump for the first of our TAG Collectors Editions.
With the Collectors Editions we will add two exclusive Master Casting to the set of six new packs. TAG Master Casting are genuine collectors items, coming from an original Master Moulds, they are one of only 6 to 8 original copies made. We will clean and prepare these casting to profession standard, and add them to your order with a note of provenance. These will be limited to 12 numbered sets. Details HERE.

And finally for now, a very special offer.

Throughout the month of November TAG are offering our excellent WWII Late War German infantry, in Platoon Sets, at the amazing price of £9.50 for 10 miniatures.

To make up the German Platoons we have restructured our original packs to bring you a random selection of 1 NCO with MP40, a Machine gunner with MP42 and 8 rifle men with M98K Kar rifles.

These are the pack details;

LWG-SB1 German Platoon in helmets

LWG-SB2 German Platoon in field caps

LWG-SB3 German Platoon in mixed head wear

LWG-SB4 German Platoon in mixed head wear (no kneeling minis)

These miniatures are available now, and need no assembly
OK, that's the start, I hope we've whetted your appetite for our Feature Month, please check back soon for more....