Joy of Six 2023 - Less than a month to go!

Yes folks, there is just under one month to go before the Joy of Six 2023.
But before we get around to this, there is time to squeeze in this week’s magic number which stands at #24581.
There is a slight edge of panic creeping in as we realise that we had better get around to doing some of this organisation stuff for the Big Day. Given all this, the Joy of Six website has just been updated with a full list of traders and games on show. We are very close to finalising both lists and if all goes to plan we’ll make a layout available in a few days time.

No-one was more surprised than I to find out that this is actually our tenth show. It has grown from a very small event to something that is attracting some of the best games that you will see in any scale and is acting as a showcase not only for 6mm, but for the wider hobby as a whole. The one constant so far as I am concerned is the unique atmosphere that the show generates. It is unlike any other wargames gathering and sets up apart. I can’t wait!

Going back to wearing my Baccus hat, no new releases this week – we will be saving up some goodies for the 2nd July, but here is a nice teaser photograph courtesy of the talented WingCo.

All of which brings us round to a familiar theme. We will be attending the Phalanx show at St Helens on 17th June, and just two weeks later there will be the Joy of Six. Please, please, please get your orders for collection in to us for both of these events as soon as you are able. We will be very busy for the whole of this month, and if we can spread the load over the four weeks rather than all in the last four days, you will make casters very happy – you really would not like it if they were upset. An upset caster is not a happy sight.

Finally, there are still some places left on the Baccus workshop tours on Saturday 1st July... Get in touch if you would like to book a place - first come, first served!