For some reason early March seems to have become a magnet for wargames shows. Those of you who have read the list of events that we will be attending this year may have already cottoned on to the fact that the Baccus stand will not be at this year's WMMS and Triples shows.

These are both shows that we have been regulars at for many years, so I think it's time to make our position more explicit and clear up a number of 'theories' that seem to be circulating.

At the end of last year we looked at the first three weeks of March with a large degree of trepidation. Hammerhead, WMMS and Sheffield Triples on consecutive weekends. Under normal circumstances the prospects of three weeks of replacing stock, sorting out travel logistics and putting mail order casting on hold would have been a strain. On top of this, there was the small matter of getting child care arrangements in place to cover all this and it was obvious that something had to give.

What it came down to was a simple decision – Baccus would attend just one of the three competing shows. As Hammerhead was historically by far the most profitable of the the three events, both WMSS and Triples had to go. This was not a judgement on the two 'losers', as they both have their merits – it was purely a matter of making best use of our resources for the best effect.

We are sorry if you'll be going to either WMMS or Triples in expectation of seeing our happy smiling faces and spending some time in 6mm retail therapy. I hope that 2017's calendar will exhibit a little more sanity and we can resume our attendances.

What we can say is that you can still place orders for collection at Triples. Our good friends at Wargames Emporium have offered to act as a collection point for show orders, so please feel free to let us know what you want and we will sort it out for you.