It’s been an interesting week – the power went down at Brigade HQ on Monday afternoon in the middle of some casting and required the calling of an electrician (it was a site-wide problem, not just related to our workshop). In the end we were only able to resume work there again on Thursday. Fortunately the enforced layoff wasn’t wasted and was turned into some valuable prep time for Salute. You may also notice a change to the format of the blog – our ISP had recommended that we upgrade the version of PHP in use on the website, which promptly broke the blog theme ! We had to quickly introduce a new PHP-8 compatible one to keep it up and running. Anyway, on to business…

The obvious accompaniment to our recent 6mm Han Chinese vehicle releases is some new infantry – and here they are. We have a pack of 24 figures – 15 riflemen, three squad leaders, three missile launchers and three squad support weapons. Sculptor Martin Baker has done a great job of scaling down our 15mm figures, complete with their distinctive night-vision equipment.

Although listed under 6mm CDSU, they’ll also serve in several Hammer’s Slammers forces such as the Han Chinese, Hiroseke and Waldheim Dragoons amongst others. We’ll be replacing the figures in packs for those armies with these new ones.

This will be our final new release before Salute, which is coming up ever so rapidly (too rapidly…). For the next three weeks we’ll be concentrating on stocking up for the show, sorting out the stand and working on some new items to be released on the day – of which more very soon.

SF300-570 – CDSU Infantry (x24) – £2.50