Whatever happened to Renegade Miniatures?

Here one minute and gone the next! Such a shame that a lovely range of proper metal wargames figures just disappears overnight. We were reminded how good the Renegade figures were this week as we processed and uploaded a full, unpainted English Civil War army onto our e-shop. This consists of 2 x Saker Cannon & crews, 22 x 9 figure cavalry units, plus enough pike and shotte to make up 12 good size infantry units. We are selling the infantry in component parts so that customers can make up the units to suit their own rule sets. Whilst Renegade figures are no longer available we recommend filling any gaps in the ranks with figures from Bicorne Miniatures which are very compatible.

Here are some pics to whet your appetite:

and you can find the figures on our shop HERE

Colonel Bills Wargames | The worlds leading used figure store.