Classic adventure gaming often revolves around a central location to which the adventurers can return and rest between expeditions.

The Village Generator will help you set up an interesting location with its own NPC's, looming threats and a place in the world.

The random tables include will provide the following detail:

*Broad layout.

*Notable sights.

*Economic activity and sources of income.

*Recent historical events.

*Available defences.

*NPC's of note with disposition and peculiarities.

*Nearby threats with nature and levels of danger.

*Whether any dungeons are nearby.

*Tavern events.

*Village events.

*Enemy moves if a threat to the village is left unattended.

Notes are included on how to handle NPC's and village militia in the Dungeon Scum rules but the random tables are usable with any fantasy game, miniatures or role playing based.

This supplement is intended to help stimulate adventure ideas and act as an aid to a GM looking for a little inspiration.

It is NOT a complete ready-to-play adventure module.