Phil gets in on the act today, with three new Small Scale Scenery pieces – a modern hospital building, plus not one but two Victorian-era ones.

The modern one (left) is a large, multi-storey building with loads of windows. The larger of the two Victorian hospitals is a stone building with multiple wings and a central garden for patients to convalesce in. There is also a much smaller cottage hospital, typical of one in a small town or large village.

These models will also be part of our Surgeon General range, raising money for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. We’re still hoping to be able to squeeze more in before Saturday.

You might have noticed that we’re previewing undercoated or part-painted models; Tony’s a bit behind on the painting, but they should all be finished and ready for the Salute stand. We’ll go back and update the photos as soon as he’s got the last coat of varnish on everything.

We have some last minute additions to the roster; the 15mm Sincanmo dune buggies get some heavy support in the shape of this 8×8 armoured car, with several turret options. There are also three new buggy variants – a 4×4 scout, plus 6×6 and half-track command vehicles.

We also have a new Celtos figure,a Vanir Healer sculpted by Jeremey. He doesn’t have a name yet, but might get one later.

Finally (yes, really finally), drifting majestically into view we have the Nightingale class hospital ship for Imperial Skies.

This seems like a good time to summarise all of the new models that we plan to have tomorrow (on the assumption that we remember to bring them with us – yes, there has been the odd occasion when we’ve managed to leave all the stock of one of our new releases behind…). The models with an (M) after the price are part of our charity fundraiser – 50% of the ex-VAT price of these models will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support.

15mm Sincanmo
HS15-2901 – Garaad 8×8 Heavy Armoured Car – £7.50
HS15-2901a – Garaad 8×8 AA Car – £7.50
HS15-2901b – Ugass 8×8 Command Car – £7.50
HS15-2902 – Naib 6×6 Technical – £7.00
HS15-2902a – Naib 6×6 Troop Carrier – £7.00
HS15-2902b – Naib 6×6 Command Car – £7.00
HS15-2902c – Naib 6×6 AA Truck – £7.00
HS15-2903 – Aamir Half-track – £7.50
HS15-2903a – Aamir Half-track Troop Carrier – £7.00
HS15-2903b – Aamir Command Half-track – £7.00
HS15-2903c – Aamir AA Half-track – £7.50
HS15-2904 – Qaadi 4×4 Utility – £6.00
HS15-2904a – Qaadi 4×4 EW Car- £6.00
HS15-2904 – Qaadi 4×4 Scout – £6.00

15mm Ambulances
HS15-408g – Catroux Ambulance – £8.00 (M)
HS15-715 – PacFed Ambulance – £7.50 (M)

6mm Buildings
B300-148 – Desert Medical Centre – £3.00 (M)
B300-507 – Research Base Medical Centre – £2.00 (M)
B300-606 – Moonbase Medical Centre – £3.00 (M)

CLT-212 – Vanir Healer – £4.00 (M)

Small Scale Scenery
SSS-8174 – Albeburgh Martello – £1.00
SSS-8176 – Victorian Hospitals – £3.50 (M)
SSS-8177 – Modern Hospital – £4.50 (M)

SFS-5027 – Neptune Conveyor – £4.00

Imperial Skies
VAN-5019 – Nightingale Hospital Ship – £6.00 (M)
VAN-1301 – Moreno Battleship – £8.00
VAN-1302 – Buenos Aires Cruiser – £3.00
VAN-1303 – Patagonia Cruiser – £2.50
VAN-1304 – Mendoza Destroyer – £2.00
VAN-1305 – Rosales Torpedo Frigate – £1.00
VAN-1306 – Libertad Battlecruiser – £8.00
VAN-1307 – Guerrico Frigate – £1.00

1/700 Forts
B700-170 – Lascaris Towers – £3.50
B700-173 – Fort Pate – £3.00
B700-175 – Aldeburgh Martello – £1.50