Home Forums Modern 5 Core For Vietnam ?

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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Which of the 5 core rules sets , should I use for Vietnam ???  I have 12 Americans and 20 VC/NVA  15mm figures almost ready to go( waiting on the glue to dry on the bases ).  Help  me out Just Jack and Ivan !!!

    Avatar photoMartinR

    I’d have said Company Command, but you might need a bit more stuff than that (not huge amounts more though).

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Are they going on to single bases for skirmishing or team-bases ala FOW?

    For man to man, the 5core 3rd edition rules will do you fine, though Jack uses a variant of Five Men at Kursk instead.

    If you want team bases, as Martin suggests, Company Command.

    I’d be tempted to base them in 3’s and call them fire teams or some such.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have both single based and FOW based figures , I just now got around to basing the singles.   I have the older editions of No End in Sight and 5 Men in Kursk. I don’t think I have Company Commander.

    Thanks Guys !!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    If you can get it printed, I can swing you an up to date copy of FIve Men at Kursk by email.
    It hasn’t changed much though.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks Ivan, but my printer is still out.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    5core Company Command is one of my favorite games bar none. You owe it to yourself to play it regardless 😉

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Maybe if I get some extra money I could get Ivan to print a copy out and mail it too me.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I’d do you a freebie but my printer is on the fritz.

    Maybe someone here can volunteer ?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Damn those fritzy printers !!!

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    I gotcha, Jonathan 🙂

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks Dude !!!!


    Avatar photoMartinR

    I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. Vietnam is crying out to be done at platoon/company level, the level of so many of the  personal accounts.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    coming from movies, it should be obvious that the PLATOON level is the right one 😀

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Sorry guys, I’ve been busy with the holiday weekend (hope all of you in the States had a great 4th of July!).  As mentioned, you could go either way, skirmish (squad) or platoon; you don’t have enough dudes for company.  So either play skirmish (you could play 5MIN style or 5MAK style), or play platoon level with 5Core Company Command*.

    If you want to use 5Core Company Command, here’s how I would do it: it’s a platoon, just use fireteam-level basing.

    Each squad has two bases, a rifle base (get 1K 1S) and an LMG base (1K 2S).

    Your base platoon would have a command stand (Plt Cmdr, Plt Sgt, RTO) and three rifle squads of 3 rifle stands and 3 LMG stands.
    Then you could throw in the occasional tank, track, MG team, recoiless rifle team, 60mm mortar team (if Marines) as support, if you like.
    Though you’re still gonna need more than 12 dudes, though not many more.

    *5Core Company Command is still my favorite, despite all the batreps and fun I’m having with 5MAK.  Think of all the KG Klink and early Cuba Libre games; I’m actually working on getting back to that, re-basing some of my 15mm stuff, to include Vietnam-era USMC.  Probably the US Army, ARVN, and Mike Force dudes, too.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Hey Jack, glad you joined the party!!!   I just finished reading  Hue 1968 by Mark Bowden , and my back burner project of single based 15mm painted figures for 5 core got hot.

    I have now based 38 US figures , 12 Peasants and 48 VC/NVA  , thou I have tons more painted and based FOW/Tour of Duty figures( more than I will ever use). Plus all the Tanks and Choppers and Brown Water Navy.

    I kinda want to do platoon sized actions so I think I have enough figures for that with out having to rebase some of my FOW  figures.

    Any advice is more than welcome…er I’ll have pictures on Facebook if any one wants to look….wink wink.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    You know,I did do rules for cold war platoon level gaming 😉

    They’re even kinda good…

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I do have No End in Sight…..wink wink…

    Oh and Retoboom do you need my mailing address ???

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I just posted 3 photos of the 4 x 6 table , I’ll be using on Facebook, I’m the only Jonathan Keepers in Oklahoma if you want to tale a look.

    It’s in an album called The Road to Hue 1968.

    Avatar photoJust Jack


    I saw the pics; you need more trees! 😉  Actually, who cares, just play some games and post them.  On a real blog 😉

    “…I have tons more painted and based FOW/Tour of Duty figures…”
    Then do this: use the multi-based troops for 5Core Company Command and the singles for 5MIN/5MAK.  Then you can play out a campaign with fights that range from squad to platoon to company level.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Facebook is easy and it’s what I have…

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Blogs are easy!  Look at me, I’ve got five of them!  Dude, if you can upload pics to FB you can run a blog.

    Hell, I’d set it up for you, it only takes a minute.  Decide on a name, create a Gmail account (if you don’t already have one), e-mail me the username and a simple password, I’ll set it up, then you go in and change the password, and voila! you’ve got a blog.

    I’d do it for Ye Old Curmudgeon, Senor Robertson, too.  Hell, I think I offered this to you both previously, but you’re such hardheads you didn’t take me up on it!  Friggin’ old people…


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Blogs are all very nice but I don’t want to be tango-ed….. Facebook is simple and I have it.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Pictures of the miniatures on my Facebook….Still need to flock the bases but I’m getting there.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Resist the calls of the blogites. The interweb will enslave you and turn a pleasurable hobby into a posting and editorial chore. Resist the siren-song of Just Jack and remain a free man. Succumb and you will be enthralled to serve the hobby rather than enjoying it and being your own master. Stand proud as an autonomous Okie and don’t let Texas push you around. Remember this is “Indian Territory” and resist the encroaching digital homesteaders who would break your independent spirit and force you to follow the ways of the long-knives! Be free and be, “The Last of the Okians”!

    Just Jack:

    No offence man but what’s good for you is not necessarily what’s good for others. Your reports are great and your devotion and drive is truly remarkable. For that I salute you. But Kyote’s dharma is a different path so his happiness lies in a different direction in the hobby. As I always do, I thank you for your magnificent contribution to the hobby. What you do is amazing and borders on super-human. You are the purple robes with ermine trim; we are just the sack cloth and burlap. We who just play, humbly salute you, but we can’t be you.

    I must work on catching up. I have caught up on Cuba Libre but have Lacquered Coffins and Arab-Israeli Wars to work through. To avoid being scolded for posting a flood of catch-up comments, I have refrained from posting, but as Tony the Tiger used to say, “They’re Great!”.

    Cheers gents.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    LOL !!! Thanks Rod, but I do love Texas as well, it’s my other home state, lived in Amarillo Texas in the mid to late 60’s before returning to Okieland.

    Again thanks Jack, but for now I’ll just Facebook.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Turns  out I have  5 Men in Normandy.  So I may start with a small scouting mission till 5 Core Company Commander shows up.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    24 bases out of 100 flocked.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    5 Men in Normandy will work fine for small skirmish actions in Vietnam. You should give it a go while you want to finish off basing and Company Command to arrive. It will also get your head around the 1/6 activation mechanism and the peeking/not peeking. Company Command is a little different but similar enough that just knowing how these work helps a lot. Or at least it did me!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks Shaun , I’ve been looking over the rules..

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    That did not go well, I tried my first run threw of 5MIN  I had 7 Marines V 9 VC, I used blinds for the VC  so I had 18 blinds scattered across the road and rice paddies , I rolled a 6 for the first US Turn…Firefight! Of the 6 Blinds in range only 4 were VC. the US fired and 3 kills and one ran away…I’ve never rolled so many 6’s in my life !!!

    Any way I had to keep paging back and forth so I ended the game. I need to make up a cheat sheet to keep track of the rules so I don’t spend as much time paging….. no photo’s as I forgot  my camera…

    I’ll try it again later .

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Hello Kyote

    I found the same thing too- I wrote up a cheat sheet as well. Found it too hard without one (I also find writing up a cheat sheet for rules helps cement them in my mind). I will email you the one I did. It is for 5MiN with a couple of minor changes which I hopefully can remember what they are! I seem to remember sending it in an email to Ivan with the changes listed so hopefully I will find that email and send it on. Use it, ignore it, change it, whatever 🙂 It is in Microsoft Word.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Hey Shaun , I got your e-mail and my sister printed the cheat sheet out for me, I’ll get it tomorrow.  Thank you !!

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Hello Kyote, that is good news!  Hopefully your next game goes a little smoother with a QRS..

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Got the cheat sheet from my sister and after I take my Grand Daughter Kay Kay home this evening I’ll give it a go . Thanks again Shaun.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Would like to see pictures of the game if you can.  On FB as per usual; I at least can cope 🙂

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Will do Shaun, I got the 5 Core Company Commander rules in the mail today so I’ll be reading over them tonight. I had to mow so didn’t get a game in last night.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Too hot and tried from mowing..maybe tomorrow.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    You seem to mow a lot (based on FB) 🙂  You do have a large property though. At least you enjoy it!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I’ve been working on the back story for the campaign and tried out the Five Men in Normandy rules for the first action….Um I have 7 Marines V 8 VC/NVA and of the 3 try’s every one died or ran away..from both sides. I seem to roll a lot of 6’s.  That can’t be right…can it Yall ??

    Reading the 5 Core Company Commander 2ed.  I think I can use all my FOW/Tour of Duty figures as based, with a few changes.

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