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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Anyone ever use home made nationality mods? As in people from Stirland are so used to death and talk of the undead what with Sylvania being part of Stirland these days that they get -1 to Fear tests, that sort of stuff?

    I know Mordheim does this but some are too powerful for a full on mass battle I feel.

    Or scenario mods? The plucky Halfings are defending the tobacco stores from attack by gobbos, as long as the store remains standing all Halflings are assumed to pass all rout tests etc?

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    I remember when the White Dwarf magazine was really good (Paul Sawyer was the editor) there used to be a series of articles from a gamer in Swindon (I think) who didn’t paint to Golden Demon standard etc, but had nice armies and came up with interesting scenarios, along the lines of the one you suggested Mike. Sadly at the club there were too many competition type gamers so unusual scenarios or tweaking stats etc never got a look in. Shame really as the background fluff to Warhammer is brilliant.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    So, just working out points for the 3 chariot models I have for the Dark Elves.

    78 for a light chariot with scythes, d3+2 S4 hits when they charge.

    However it says they do damage during the first round of combat.
    In what Initiative order though?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Found it, the chariots smashing into HTH hits are done 1st.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    3rd Edition Frenzy sucks?

    I mean my Empire Fleglers occasionally frenzy, having to roll 8+ on 2d6.
    But my wife’s Witch Elves having to roll 10+ (over their CL of 9) to enter frenzy is crap.

    What do you all think?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I’ve found that a lot of special effects in 3e are rarer than they ought to be. I wonder if the original writers didn’t take into account the balance-7 effect of 2d6. It would be interesting to try some of these out with 1d12 instead.

    Avatar photoMike

    I am thinking of stealing 4th editions frenzy rule.
    I think you auto frenzy but can roll to resist and stay calm.
    Makes frenzy troops actually useful.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I started playing the various warhammer games back in the 80’s. I stopped playing in the 90’s. Only in the last couple of years have I returned to some warhammer goodness.

    I play 3rd edition WFB rules. Back then the world was just starting to take shape and moving away from the very generic fantasy / Olde England feels it had. I feel that 4th edition set up the world in terms of lore and background. I play using a mixture of the look of 4th, with the rules of 3rd edition WFB, and a heavy dose of lore from WFRP 1st edition.

    There are no winds of magic in my world, no ogre kingdoms, no tomb kings. It is very Germanic in its feels in terms of the Empire.
    It is a blend of what I was playing back in the day and for me this is good, I like it. Plus it means not having to learn new rules!

    What are your games like, are they fully up to date, retconned and as full as possible.
    Are they stuck at a certain period, or a mix of all?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Has anyone ported the 4th edition spells back into 3rd edition?

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Have you checked out the Generals Compendium? It came out a bit later than 3rd but it doesn’t seem to cheesy and has lots of snippets in there. Pages 40-41 have army specific rules and there is more for scenarios/campaigns in there.

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoMike

    Army specific rules or spells?

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    For each army, I’m not sure about spells. There’s also a table of Army specific glorious tidings (post battle).

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Being the sad nerd that I am, I am trying to place a Warhammer location onto a map.
    I have a number of maps made by various people for GW which are ‘official’ and a number of fan made maps.

    Not a single one cross referenced with any number of others is allowing me to state with any degree of certainty where The Auld Ryding actually is on my master map.
    Whilst this is a bit annoying it is also a valuable insight into what it must have been like historically and the thought of mounting a war in a land where you have no idea where places actually are must have been vexing to say the least.
    Also not helped initially by the names of places having been changed…

    EDIT: Think I have found the likely spot.


    Avatar photoMike

    Anyone doing anything Warhammery?

    Avatar photoSane Max

    No, very unhammery here, and the last game I had was the first in about 10 years. I made the fairly basic re-discovery that to be good at it, you pretty much have to eat and drink it – you need to remember all the stuff that applies to 5th ed that doesn’t in 6th etc etc and the various special rules that apply and are very slightly different to the ones I last remember playing….. It’s sad – I used to be bloody good at it – winning tournaments etc – but I really don’t think I have the time to re-learn it all while still playing other games where the rules are actually sensible and easily learned and remembered 🙂 🙂

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I must confess that with warhammer (and 40K) the background is fine, the figures when you find them on bring and buy stalls are not a bad price and are nice 🙂
    But the rules are far more complex that I need.

    For fantasy we tend to use Dragon Rampant because we can tweak it to make it a bigger game if we want to 🙂


    Avatar photoSane Max

    TBF most GW Games are a bit cack. Epic 40k was the last time I remember GW coming out with a game that seems playable and enjoyable – and it bombed. I think most GW players want over-complex, ill written games so they can have themselves a good argument.

    I am playing the Rampant series, also 1-page rules.

    Like Jim Says, the fluff is ace, the figures were good in the day (not a fan of the new stuff – from this century I mean) but I would rather put a pencil up each nostril and headbutt the table than play 40k ever again

    no offence.

    Avatar photoMike

    May Sigmar strike you all!


    Avatar photoSane Max

    🙂 maybe I should keep those opinions for a different thread?

    I love the fluff – the 40k fluff is excellent, I am reminded of this every time I read almost every other piece of fluff by almost every other SF rules maker in particular – and if anything makes me considerate of those who hate the people making ‘Not Quite 40k’ stuff, it’s the real value that GW’s fluff adds to a game.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    That reminds me…. I have recently idly wondered (and I am going to phrase this carefully) I have wondered if ‘Recent Events’ might lead to GW re-considering their Imperial Guard Fluff. All Wargamers of a certain age recognised that the Guard were modelled on the armed forces of a certain country. From Commissars to the whole ‘Quantity has a quality all its own -throw huge numbers of disposable men and tanks at the problem to make it go away…. ‘ approach to war.

    That army is not looking all the amazing right now is what I am saying

    Avatar photoMike

    Does any army of the Emperor look good?
    He eats peoples souls to stay alive and his armies help him keep his grip on power.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Yes, but at least some of his armies can fight their way out of a paper bag. Currently the Imperial Guard’s Sledgehammer invasion of Orkrain is not showing the results one would expect. of course they are getting lots of help from TyranNato, but even so….

    ‘Hi, you are using Imperial Guard? Yes? well you can take off all those tanks.. turns out they were all just made up. and THAT squad runs away automatically, and THAT one is drunk…..”

    Avatar photoMike

    Hi, you are using Imperial Guard? Yes? well you can take off all those tanks.. turns out they were all just made up. and THAT squad runs away automatically, and THAT one is drunk…..



    Avatar photoian pillay

    TBF most GW Games are a bit cack. Epic 40k was the last time I remember GW coming out with a game that seems playable and enjoyable – and it bombed. I think most GW players want over-complex, ill written games so they can have themselves a good argument. I am playing the Rampant series, also 1-page rules. Like Jim Says, the fluff is ace, the figures were good in the day (not a fan of the new stuff – from this century I mean) but I would rather put a pencil up each nostril and headbutt the table than play 40k ever again no offence.


    Me too, mainly as I am introducing “warhammer” to a friend and after looking back at all the versions I have, 1st edition ( armies of fantasy) to Battle of Skull Pass. I have settled that I will break him in on OPR then look to Warhammer later on. The fluff is great.
    Epic 40k is my favourite version of the epic rules.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Bumping incase of missed WFB/WFRP/ new stuff occurring.

    TOW tempting anyone?

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    … TOW tempting anyone?

    Given the CEO says that limited quantity releases with the aim to sell out is still their strategy then no.

    That’s before you get the rules bill:

    • £43 for the basic book
    • £30 for the ‘troop book’ to get faction rules / spells
    • Then £16 for the faction journal to get more rules!

    I had hoped it would be clean but juggling possibly three books for rules is beyond interest (putting aside my ability). Could not justify these for a combined birthday / Christmas gift.

    Shame as I was excited but should have known better!


    A pity they are not going the Combat Patrol route with TOW.

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I wonder if Age of Sigmar wasn’t selling enough figures? The armies were too small?



    Oh it sells well. Underworlds sold 200k pieces. TOW is just a cash grab to capture some of the people who kept their armies and are playing oldhamner or 9th age. They are trying to recapture part of the ranked mass battle market they lost. But AoS has its own dedicated fans and sells well enough due to more options.

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I did wonder why they abandoned the mass battle market. Were too many competitors undercutting their figures? Genuinely intrigued





    The story I heard was that warhammer had become too bloated and entry armies too expensive. The whole experiment with horde rules backfired driving up entry costs and driving down sales

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I did wonder why they abandoned the mass battle market. Were too many competitors undercutting their figures? Genuinely intrigued

    The arguments I heard (not direct from GW but from ex staff) are:

    • IP protection – you cannot protect Orc but can Orruk.
    • The rules suffered from stagnation – it was getting harder and harder to release new versions every few years as it was becoming ‘old’.
    • Getting folk into the game with metal figures was increasingly costly but getting new figures in plastic increased profit margins. New games allow more new figures with a longer mould life so increasing the number of interested parties to include collectors as well as new comers and the ongoing players.
    • More publicity – you get many more articles from a new game than a refresh of an old game.

    The above are not board minutes and may be wrong 🙂

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    WFB 3rd edition. Only just started using the random terrain generator for games…


    The cemetery is cool and we actually rolled it the first time we used the rules.

    Does anyone use house rules for cemeteries and graveyards, maybe it grants a bonus to instability rolls?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I am going to field an Imperial War Wagon and it says the blunderbuss uses the large tear drop shaped flame template.

    Digging out my 4th edition stuff I don’t seem to have one.
    I am guessing this is NOT the one?

    If anyone does have it could they let me know the dimensions please?

    Avatar photoSane Max

    Does anyone use house rules for cemeteries and graveyards, maybe it grants a bonus to instability rolls?

    I may be hallucinating, it’s a long time ago, but I seem to recall you NEEDED a cemetary for some of the spells in 2nd edition 🙂

    Avatar photoMike

    That would seem fair, or the site of a battle if the bodies were left etc.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Not related to the grave yard question. However, the armies of legends army books are on the Warhammer  website as PDF downloads. Just been reading the Skaven army book and worked out that I still have 3000pts of models!?!? I was surprised as I thought the points values would have changed so that I would need to double the models.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    …However, the armies of legends army books are on the Warhammer website as PDF downloads…

    But no special characters… Where are the heroes to compete with other army characters?

    Not the same without Thanquol and Boneripper plowing into a unit let alone Nurglitch coughing in the corner 🙁

    I mean – how can you have any eshin troops without Snikch sneaking around the back.

    I understand (£ rules) no plans for new figures but these key models exist in most armies and to miss them out is a serious disadvantage. I thought at first it was based on the available models but you get listings for the Doom-Flayer but not the Vermin Lord who would be classed as a character…

    Crippled lists to keep the older players interested and tempt them to buy the rules at least is my feel.

    Avatar photoMike

    Not the same without Thanquol and Boneripper plowing into a unit let alone Nurglitch coughing in the corne

    TBF I don’t think they were born at the time TOW is set (22xx?), but they must have some characters?

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    Yes I think it is to get them to buy into the rules, and then buy new armies if they want to take part in competitions. Your old pdf army will be fine playing against other old armies, but new armies will get the super troops, the new figures and heroes etc


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