Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War My 20mm ACW forces

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  • #136777
    Avatar photofairoaks024

    During the lockdown I’ve decided to resurrect a project I haven’t done since the 1970s.

    ACW forces in 1/72nd scale with predominantly plastic models.

    when I started gaming we only had airfix plastics so obviously this period was fairly common as you could get almost everything you needed without any converting.

    these are my first few bases.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Forgot to mention, the two stands on the right are my 149th Pennsylvania Infantry, also known as the 2nd Bucktail Regiment. The white on their caps is a tiny blob of green stuff for the ‘buck tail’ they wore As a sign of marksmanship.

    Avatar photozippyfusenet

    I’ve always liked 20mm plastic. I used to pedal my bicycle to the hobby shop at the mall and plunk down a quarter for a box of Airfix HO/OO figures. The product today is much better. With ACW collections in 15mm and 28mm, I won’t start up again with 1/72 plastic, but I’d enjoy looking at yours.

    These old eyes could see better if your photos were a bit bigger…

    You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Thanks very much Zippy.

    i’ll dig them out of their box later and get bigger photos.

    very similar experience here. My pocket money as a school boy used to be spent on airfix figures or kits. It was a big undertaking to decide which one to get each week as I could only buy one.

    happier days!

    Avatar photoNorm S

    They are very nicely done.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Thanks very much Norm.

    Avatar photoNick Turner

    Great stuff, I went with 20mm plastics a few years ago. Lost a few chewed up by mice when they lived in the garage,but have invested in a load of the recent Zvezda chaps. Been packed for overseas travel (for painting when deployed) for a while now.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Thanks nick. Zvezda are pretty much the gold standard of1/72nd plastics. Lovely models.

    my first four basss of union artillery today, including some very big boy guns.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Union Zouaves

    Avatar photoNick Turner

    My chaps, attacked by a Union mouse, the Union chaps were not touched! Time to start sorting them out!20mm ACW

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Superb collection!


    getting them reconditioned is a project you’ll definitely be able to get your teeth into Nick!

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    A unit of US marines

    Avatar photoNick Turner

    Lovely stuff. I have been corrected on FB, it is the new Strelets stuff I have, the Pickett’s charge sets, not Zvezda.

    Avatar photowillz

    What an excellent display of fine 20mm plastic wargaming, thanks for sharing.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    @Nick, the new strelets ACW stuff is excellent, I’m mixing loads of them in with my older figures.

    , thanks. 1/72 plastics were the only figures I could get as a kid when I started ‘proper’ wargaming. As a result they hold a unique place in my heart. 8 year old me would have been over the moon at the availability of 1/72 nowadays


    today it’s naughty Texans. No army of the confederacy is complete without some Texans causing mayhem.


    Avatar photofairoaks024

    @zippyfusenet I finally remembered to get the close ups of my first posted units you asked about.

    Avatar photovtsaogames

    What very nice painting!

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    @vtsaogames Thanks!

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    First stand of black union troops

    back rank are Strelets union infantry standing and front rank are ‘call to arms’ black troopers from their union regiments set.

    the call to arms set is great because it also contains proper ‘iron brigade’ troopers that no one else does in plastic.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    a foot command stand for my rebels. The officer is plastic ( esci I think) and the standard bearer is from irregular miniatures

    Avatar photozippyfusenet

    Thanks for the close-up fairoaks. I enjoy getting a good look at them.

    It appears you’re building one  eight-figure base per regiment. That’s a good system. You can get something done that way.

    You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    @zippyfusenet yes, decided to do each base as a unit to start and then maybe make them into more stands per unit if the rules I end up using require it.


    next confederate unit. All from the strelets ‘confederates standing’ set.

    really love the new sets from strelets where they concentrate on one theme, marching, charging, standing, firing etc.
    means that cover it well and you get loads of choices for your units.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    another confederate command stand. Irregular miniatures metal figures.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    A base of Berdans sharpshooters skirmishing.

    all strelets Minis

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    A New York Irish regiment. All strelets

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    A metal jacklex cannon crewed by Plastic confederates.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    these are metal jacklex rush’s lancers, I posted them in another thread but thought I’d better put all my 20mm acw in one thread.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    and a couple of jacklex Metal standard bearers and an Officer for a union command stand. ( the reb banner is going into a unit.)

    Avatar photojeffers

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Very nice! I started with Airfix plastics and would go back to them if re-released. I love the Type 1 Airfix, very easy to paint.</p>

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    Thanks very much @jeffers

    im actually in the middle of recovering some original 1970s airfix figures at the moment.

    they’ve been cleaned up, rebased, been Matt varnished and had a black wash ready for repainting.

    and a new coat of paint basically following original colour and a varnish.

    now I’m working on the front rank.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    front rank finished as well. Managed to find 8 in the same pose that survived clean up.
    some were so fragile that when removing mould lines It felt like carving chalk. Several just shattered into pieces. Hopefully these will survive.

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    a divisional command stand.


    Avatar photoian pillay

    That’s lovely brush work. I really like that technique. These miniatures are beautiful.

    Good job!

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photojeffers

    Absolutely and proves my point about the Airfix figures!

    Now we need to see zouaves converted from cowboys… 😉

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    @ian pillay thank you!

    I loved those converting articles in battle and airfix magazine.


    someone should re-print them all

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    another union regiment. Standard bearer is metal from irregular, Officer and bugler plastic from strelets, the rest are more recovered airfix figures from the 1970s.

    Avatar photojeffers

    I’ve got an Airfix annual with an article on ACW conversions by Terry. Happy to photocopy and send it to you.

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photofairoaks024

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>oh, yes please @jeffers</p>



    Avatar photofairoaks024

    2 more mostly recovered airfix confederates. All airfix 1970s except the standard bearers who are metal jacklex minis.

    Avatar photowillz

    Very nice, retro 7o’s renewed.  Thanks for sharing.

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