Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War Part 2 ACW Game

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  • #28676
    Avatar photoBandit

    In case you missed it you can see the photos from part #1 here: http://www.thewargameswebsite.com/forums/topic/part-1-acw-game/

    In these images you’ll see that AP Hill got the bulk of his division across the river and started sending them to pressure the flanks staying out of the no-man’s-land imposed by the massed Union guns in the center. The northern flank assault was itself taken by surprise when elements of Merritt’s brigade arrived resulting in the loss of two Confederate regiments.

    Hope you enjoy the photos. I’ll post Part #3 (the conclusion) soon.


    The Bandit

    Avatar photowillz

    An other very enjoyable read, thanks.

    Avatar photokyoteblue


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