New US AT Gun releases
Apologies for the delayed weekly update – I am afraid that Real Life intervened last Friday which meant that I was unable to get some things done. However, better late than never, here is last week’s Magic Number - #20712. Some orders prior to this may not have been processed, but as usual, we will pick those up in the next few days.
We are back on the New Release treadmill, and this time it is US Anti-Tank guns. There are four pieces, ranging from the lowly 37mm, through the 57mm and up to two versions of the redoubtable 76mm.


Next up will be some US field artillery. And no, we haven’t forgotten that there was a lot of stuff happening prior to 1944, and we are working hard behind the scenes to bring some more of that to you. I’ll post some pictures of some lovely new sculpts later this week…
Talking of later this week, after an enforced absence the St Helens club is once again staging the Phalanx show.

We will be there with the full trade stand. If anyone wants to get a collection order in to us, please do so quickly. We need the time to get these ready, and letting us know on the Friday afternoon prior to the event could just be cutting things a wee bit fine...