Thanks to the flurry of activity involved in having two shows in seven days, and the need to restock in-between, last week’s new release rather fell by the wayside. We’re partially making up for it today, although not everything scheduled for this release has made it – we simply haven’t been able to get a couple of items painted and photographed. But fear not, we’ll get those out as soon as we can.

What we do have is nevertheless (we think) big and impressive enough on its own. The Han Chinese wheeled vehicles released back in August last year were from the Black Banner Regiment, a regular Han army unit with a decent level of training. The bulk of the Han forces however are made up of People’s National Army (PNA) units, mostly militia infantry in trucks with minimal heavy fire support. The MV-701 heavy truck is manufactured by the PAW (People’s Automobile Works) in both four-wheel and 8-wheel drive versions. The cab has room for the driver plus five passengers, and the large rear flat bed can accommodate 12 infantry (in Hammer’s Slammers terms that’s four TUs – one in the cab and three in the back).

The main fire support for the PNA is the truck mounted PHL-18 rocket-launcher system, with a dual-mode 18-tube launcher mounted on the flat bed of an MV-701 chassis. This can be configured as a long-range artillery system with 240mm HE or bomblet rounds for over-the-horizon missions. Alternatively, in direct fire mode, the system can be loaded with Zhēn heavy hypersonic missiles. These solid-rod penetrator rounds initially boost clear of the launcher vehicle then accelerate sharply for the rest of their flight time, thus continuing to increase their lethality until the propellant is exhausted.

HS15-504a – MV-701 8-wheel truck – £8.00
HS15-504c – PHL-18 Rocket/Missile Truck – £10.00