Todays new lot of listings are a fab GW/Bandai 40K Ultramarines Primaris Intercessor action figure, GW Citadel/SH dwarf, Bretonnian, empire, high elves figures, WH AoS Battletomes - Seraphon, Cities of Sigmar & Legions of Nagash (all hardback), armies books for Lizardmen and Vampire Counts, Lord of the Rings sprues and figures and a Legions of Middle Earth expansion book, Necromunda, Codex Space Marines and Orks (both hardback), Grenadier fantasy figures, TSR/Citadel fantasy figures, Offensive Miniatures 28mm WW2, 15mm Renaissance units, Osprey/Del Prado Men at War, Vietnam, WW2, Cavalry of Napoleonic Wars magazines, Napoleon At War and Medieval Warriors magazines, Heartbreaker Mutant Chronicals Imperial Clans of Damnation book and West Wind Secrets of the Third Reich rulebook.
We have 100's more items in stock - a few pics of the new listings below and the link to the store: