Rebel Minis is proud to announce our latest round of new rulesets in collaboration with Origins Award Winning Ed Teixeira and the crew at Two Hour Wargames.

The New Releases are:

Lovecraft's Revenge (PDF)
Lovecraft's Revenge puts you right into your own Story by horror writer HP Lovecraft. You could explore a deserted town where the doors and windows seem to open themselves. You could scour the university library for clues of a lost tome of Eldritch lore. You could find yourself in some wasteland, miles from home, and face-to-face with monsters that will rip your mind apart just by looking at you!

Deadly Dreams (PDF)
Welcome to Deadly Dreams, the first supplement to Lovecraft's Revenge, and gateway to the Dreamlands. The Dreamlands is a world in of itself, created by countless dreamers over millennia. Within this realm, you'll find reality takes a back seat, offering new and unexpected possibilities...

Missions of Tomorrow (PDF)
In Future Tales, we showed you how to build your own Pulp Era Science Fiction Stories. Now, with Missions of Tomorrow, the first supplement to Future Tales, we give you more tools to make your Stories even better.

As you know, some of these will line up with our current miniature lines, so we will also be offering starter packs and box sets for some of the titles.

You can check out the new division on the Rebel Minis website HERE