It's time to pray...
27th Oct 2023

It’s nice to report that we’ve not had a repeat of last week's meteorological shenanigans, and so it’s been relatively ‘normal’. Many thanks to all who wished us well through the deluge. Apart from a day of our village being cut off from the outside world, we came through unscathed, albeit in quite a soggy state.

‘Normal’ means that we have continued to churn order out this week, so I’m happy to announce that this week’s magic order number is #25849.

Moving on, we have last week’s postponed new releases…

…and it will come as no surprise to anyone who read last week’s that we have a pair of clergy in the form a British Priest 105mm self-propelled gun and a US Priest 105mm self-propelled gun.

But just to add a little extra to the new stuff, there are now some fittings for the Churchill AVRE.

A this point your should have also had some teaser pictures of some of our forthcoming Successor resculpts, but that will have to wait another week.

We are at the time of year when we will be attending wargames shows every other weekend until December. The circus starts on Sunday when we’ll be making the short trip to Leeds for Fiasco. If you are planning to be there please do pop round to the stand for a chat.

All of which brings me to this weeks’ reminder to get your advance orders in for any upcoming shows, starting with Warfare on November 11th and 12th. With the short turnaround between events, letting us know what you want is the best way to ensure that you actually do get what you want!