I know today is Monday, but this really is Friday's announcement.


Due to a localised disturbance in the space time continuum centred on the Neepsend area of Sheffield, this is the update that should have appeared last Friday. All I have to is to find where I left Saturday lying around. I found Sunday pretty quickly, but I think that the cats had Saturday and have hidden it somewhere.
Anyway, here is last Friday’s magic order number, which stands at #26164.

I also managed to find last week’s new releases, albeit showing residual traces of feline interference. We are continuing last week’s Ancient Successors with some Hellenistic unarmoured pikemen, both stood and being all aggressive and spikey.

We’ve also added an extra codes to the Achaemenid Persian range, in the form of some Spara infantry lined in rank. These enable you to add a solid front rank to any of the diverse national units forming up in the ranks of the King of Kings.
It’s about this time of year when the juggernaut that is Christmas comes into view. Quite a few of you will have some lovely Baccus figures appearing in your Xmas stockings. If you know that is likely, can I ask you please to get your loved ones to place their orders to us now. We cast all orders to order – we don’t have a huge warehouse full of ready made armies. We need notice in order to get all the presents out in good time.

Finally for today, we can take last minute orders for the Battleground show up until Wednesday of this week.