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    Avatar photoMark Morin

    TotalCon38 was held in Marlborough, Massachusetts between February 22nd, and February 25th, 2024.  I was a GM there for 10, count them, 10 games of Wars of Ozz.

    10 Games of Wars of Ozz at TotalCon 38!

    Mark A. Morin

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Wow, 10 games in total is pretty damned impressive. All the games looked great at the players all seemed to be really enjoying themselves!

    Avatar photoThe Red Hobbit

    Wow, 10 games in one day is very impressive!  Looks like everyone had a lot of fun.  Really loved those pumpkin miniatures as well.  Cheers!

    Avatar photoGrimheart

    I have followed your painting updates with great interest

    Those games look and sound great
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Now if only I didn’t have a lifetime of stuff still to paint and use I would be sorely tempted!</p>

    Interest include 6mm WW2, 6mm SciFi, 30mm Old West, DropFleet, Warlords Exterminate and others!

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