Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi 6mm Space ship (scratch build)

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    Avatar photoStroezie

    So I was watching Firefly again and I decided my little mans needed their own propper spaceship.
    In 5 Parsecs you roll on a table to see what kind of spaceship you get, I got a retired scoutship, refitted as small trading vessel.
    Here’s what I came up with

    More pictures when I slap some paint on it.

    Avatar photoMike

    That’s cool.
    The things I like about these sort of builds is seeing what people used as the raw materials.

    What colour?

    Avatar photoStroezie


    I havn’t decided on a color yet.

    I’ll probably just basecoat it in somekind of metalic color and see where I go from there.

    Avatar photoMike

    I like it.
    It has given me ideas now.. I will be scouring the house for bits.
    I shared it on Facebook too, hope that is OK?

    Avatar photoStroezie

    No problem, don’t do the facebook thing myself, but if it gets some more people to come and visit here I’m happy to have contributed 

    Avatar photoShandy

    This is fabulous! I’m on and off working on a 15mm spaceship, quite similar materials – the body is a shampoo bottle. But yours is a work of art!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    This is fabulous! I’m on and off working on a 15mm spaceship, quite similar materials – the body is a shampoo bottle. But yours is a work of art!

    share that with us. even though it is 15mm aka crazy big! 😉

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Yes please do.

    I love seeing other peoples builds, both before and after painting.

    There’s not nearly enough people showing of their scratch builds imo.

    I don’t know, maybe people are a bit hesitant to post something they made from junk?

    Avatar photoGaz045

    The TvR lander……….recycled/re-purposed junk……..




    Bulk cargo hauler?……….





    Infantry assault landers……..LCA’s of the future!?














    "Even dry tree bark is not bitter to the hungry squirrel"

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Well here she is finished, straight from the shipyards, the “Star of Verbena”

    You know, a ship like that you treat her right, she’ll be with you till the day you die. 😎

    Avatar photoMike

    Very much liking the Serenity vibe.
    Will there be a topic that details their adventures, if so just don’t cancel it half way through!

    Avatar photoShandy

    Ok, it’s not 6mm, it’s not a spaceship, and it’s not even finished, but on a whim I did some scratch building and made a drop pod for my Interplanetary Union forces:

    The hull is a styrofoam sphere, the gun was scavenged from a plastic model kit, the rest is more or less household stuff…

    Avatar photoStroezie

    Thats way cool, I can already picture it coming down on a pillar of flame from those big thrusters. Be sure to post some pictures of it once its finished.

    Avatar photoNathaniel Weber

    Cool stuff! Very inspiring. I need to do a game based around a spaceport and build up stuff like this.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    It is a double edged sword the internet, you get great ideas for builds from other people, but end up with so many ideas that you never finish them all, or any…

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