Home Forums Ancients A New 28mm Italian Allied Legion

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  • #148864
    Avatar photoKen


    Winter time is here and now is the time to start some other random 28mm project to while away the dark winter nights.

    This year I’ve chosen a 28mm Allied Legion using the rather lovely Victrix figures. It’s my first real go at something from that company and so far I am very impressed. Good detailed figures with lots of lovely contours that my painting style just loves.

    I’m doing 32 Velites, 64 Hastati, 64 Principes, 32 Triarii, 24 Cavalry and 3 Command Bases, all before March 21st (deadline for the Analogue Hobbies Winter Paint Challenge) and so far we’ve got 24 Velites and a Command Base done.

    Happy New Year to all the Yarkshire Gamer followers, see you in the new year with some Hastati !

    Regards Ken
    The Yarkshire Gamer


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