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    Avatar photoDeleted User

    The banner on top with all the trees.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Xyston Figures Suitable for Burning Sands Adventures now in stock:


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Started work on some props for an upcoming magazine issue

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My casters just announced they are not casting for potentially 2 or more weeks, as such there may be a 3 week delay on shipping any metal orders.

    There may be enough stock to last me, or there may not, depends on what orders come in.

    Many apologies.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Gibbet and Market Stalls now on the site!

    Add some flavour to your 15mm skirmish games.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Potential magazine delay.

    Due to some events outside my control, I am struggling with creating.
    This means that there may be a delay with issue two of the magazine.

    I am hoping not, as next week is half term and hopefully I will be in a better place to be creative/productive.

    I will keep you posted and sorry if there is a slight delay.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Life happens, no biggie.

    Half term? Like a semester break?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The last year has seen a steady decline in sales of the resin items.

    In the last few months the cost of shipping to the USA has increased by such a factor that almost all sales to the USA have stopped.
    The majority of resin sales come from the USA.

    This has had a massive impact on the business.

    I have been deciding what to do about the resin side of the business for a while, the moulds take up a lot of space as does the vacuum chamber and resin bottles etc.

    So it is with some regret that the resin range is no longer available.
    I have removed them from the shop area of the site.

    The pages are still online with buttons, but are hidden.
    IF you do stumble across the resin pages, please be aware that no sales of resin items will be honoured and a full refund will be made.

    For now the figures are still very much available and can be found in their usual home.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Oh dang, that’s a real shame.  I am sure it has more to do with the swing in genre interest, and interest will come back around.  (especially if a new movie or TV series comes about)

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMike

    Maybe. The figures are steady. Just the resin is pretty much dead.

    Avatar photoTim

    That is a huge shame – I’d been dithering about putting an order in as well. Will have to buy more figures instead!

    Is Crom’s Forge a resin piece as well?

    Avatar photoMike

    It is but I will continue with that whilst the mould lasts.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    You could try to sell the molds to someone in the USA.

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    Sad to hear, but understandable and not entirely out of the blue. If it’s not too forward to ask, do you think you’ll still be expanding the range of figures?

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Could you subcontract the resin casting to anyone?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    If it’s not too forward to ask, do you think you’ll still be expanding the range of figures?

    That is the plan, though my primary sculptor has quit sculpting which is a bit of a bind.


    Could you subcontract the resin casting to anyone?

    Not sure I see how that would make it cheaper to ship?



    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    If most of the sales are off-shore then create new masters and ship from two / three locations?

    Do not know your sales figures (and would not ask) – just an idea.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe


    I’ve always to dive into the Conan universe.  I bought some 15mm Hittites long ago with that in mind, to serve as city forces somewhere in the South or East.  Perhaps now it’s time to give it a whirl.

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    AB I’ve always to dive into the Conan universe. I bought some 15mm Hittites long ago with that in mind, to serve as city forces somewhere in the South or East. Perhaps now it’s time to give it a whirl.

    Praise be to Apis!

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Oops.  I left out the words “wanted to”.  Lol

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Going to test print the baskets and barrels pack later:

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Excellent! (In my best Montgomery Burns voice.) The baskets are particularly of interest.

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoMike

    I have some vases and stuff that may suit your biblical needs too.

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Sounds promising, especially if the ‘stuff’ includes wineskins as an alternative to the barrels.

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    This is the first print of the revised wares pack.
    33 items that will be printed on demand and added to the site next month as a pack.

    The next pack will be crates and chests.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Oooo, I like!  I like a lot.

    ”The next pack will be crates and chests.”

    Fantastic.  Thanks for thinking about those details.


    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    The last year has seen a steady decline in sales of the resin items. In the last few months the cost of shipping to the USA has increased by such a factor that almost all sales to the USA have stopped. The majority of resin sales come from the USA. This has had a massive impact on the business. I have been deciding what to do about the resin side of the business for a while, the moulds take up a lot of space as does the vacuum chamber and resin bottles etc. So it is with some regret that the resin range is no longer available. I have removed them from the shop area of the site. The pages are still online with buttons, but are hidden. IF you do stumble across the resin pages, please be aware that no sales of resin items will be honoured and a full refund will be made. For now the figures are still very much available and can be found in their usual home.

    It confuses and upsets me that my wife can have all manner of small furniture and bulky household art junk shipped free to her from China to Texas, but people in the US can’t get reasonable shipping rates from the UK, historically our very closest ally.  Even from ebay sellers.  Mind boggling.


    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoMike

    The figures are mostly not too bad, especially if I can get them in a padded envelope.
    Just yesterday I posted some figures to the US for £5.00

    But buildings were just bonkers, at least £20.00 and that could be for a £5.00 building.
    £40 or £50 was not uncommon on orders of £100 or so.

    So postage to the US had seen my US sales drop by about 70% and now the EU Tax means my sales of everything there will cost customers more, so EU sales are dropping off.

    Last month Crom’s Anvil took £134.00 in sales, and of course that is not £134.00 in profit. I probably pocketed about £80 of that.
    Not looking great to be honest.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Well I sure hope things get better soon.

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers, hopefully this will be the start of better times!


    Avatar photoTim

    This would be the right time for  shutupandtakemymoney.gif

    It’s shoddy news about the shipping, but some pretty exciting stuff looks to be coming out of the situation

    Avatar photoMike

    Shipping and now tax to EU customers is a PITA, but hopefully these new products with more to follow will help.
    Lighter too, which will help shipping.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Available to buy in a few days…


    Being resin rather than metal, postage outside of the UK should be pretty ok too.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    They really do paint up nicely.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    AB Mike

    You’ve got my brain working now …




    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    The way my figure are cast are in packs.
    So a mould with the tribal warriors yields 2 packs each time it is spun.
    Great for selling packs.
    However, when selling singles you hit problems.
    I had a situation once where someone ordered 50 tribal archers.
    Which meant spinning the mould 25 times, this then left 50 spare axe1, 50 spare axe2 and 50 spare spears.
    I have still not recovered from this overstock.
    Same with all the packs to some degree.
    I am sitting on dead stock.

    So, I have removed a good number of the singles and am now offering just packs of the tribal, watch and mercs.
    This should help me have less dead stock and more money to put into new models.
    So that is good for me long term.
    These extras are for sale on the FB group.
    It is a PITA to do multiple listings on multiple sites as people can make offer on one site on something that was sold on the other.
    Much easier to keep it in one place, so feel free to check out the FB group for this one time offer.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I feel your pain. Having too many SKUs is a pain, especially if the duplicate things in another SKU.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    It is important for a biz to be flexible and responsive to customers, and sometimes the personalized requests are easy to fill, and some times they come a cost.  Your issue here really highlights one of the pitfalls, especially since you don’t have your own set up and can’t just throw the extras back in the pot.

    Last year I had a fella ask to buy just turrets from my 15mm resin line, which was cool and we worked it out, but that left me with 20 models with no turrets and the mold has the 2 parts together…  I was lucky in that I was able to create some new turrets that can be separate molds that can use the hulls already made, and when the molds need replacing I will have the turrets and hulls be separate for better “on demand’ control over stock.

    Good thing: having that many extras and at the price at which you are letting them go someone can make a great army!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Now even moar reduced, and with buttons on the website:


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