Home Forums Fantasy Burning Sands Crom’s Anvil – 15mm Fantasy

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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I was tidying up and I found a cast of the Atalanta knocking around:

    Actual one:


    £20.00 plus postage if anyone wants it.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    It has been sold and is sailing northward!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I have added a painted section to the Crom’s Anvil website.
    Currently there is a set of 10mm buildings on there for sale.

    There will be all sorts appearing there as Crom’s Anvil offers different things to try and keep the cash coming in.
    PS: The snake cultist sculpts have arrived and will be off to the casters next week.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Now with added Tribal Warriors:

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Oh my God.  I had been wanting such a ship for a very long time.  Once again, I miss out.


    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Over the next few days I will be adding some of my Burning Sands Southern Oceans terrain from my own collection to the website.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Just been in the loft.
    I will be adding the Ghoul Crypt.
    The Cave of the Ape Men.

    2 sets of jungle trees
    1 set of jungle plants.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Just a quick update on the snake cultists/followers of Istaris.

    They are in stock and I have them, but I have been ill the last few days, mostly in bed and have been unable to finish painting the models for the website.

    However with a bit of luck and rest I hope to get them on the site by the weekend, sorry for the delays.

    Oh and a special prize to anyone that notices anything familiar about their robes….

    Avatar photoAlex

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cheers dude, me too.

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Get better soon mate! I hope it’s just a cold.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks



    Avatar photoAli Dogan Sayiner

    Those are nice 🙂 Also good for sci-fantasy

    find me
    [email protected]

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks, pretty versatile, fantasy, pulp, horror, sci-fi all sorts!


    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Oooh, they’re outstanding.


    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Oooh, they’re outstanding.

    +1 to that.

    Never got the whole two legs with a snake head thing but they make such great enemies it’s impossible not to love them.

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Oooh, they’re outstanding.

    +1 to that. Never got the whole two legs with a snake head thing but they make such great enemies it’s impossible not to love them.

    I see them more like corrupted humans or hybrids, the same way as you get those fish people in the Lovecraft lore.

    If it were my setting, it would be the former. Faith can be a powerful thing, but it corrupts, whether it’s a golden aura or a snake head will depend on the Gods they are devoted to.

    Avatar photoAlex

    Obviously just ordered a pack!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Never got the whole two legs with a snake head thing

    Soundsssss to me like sssssomeone isss disssresssspecting the great lord Issstarrissssss.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Lol.  Hey, Mike, how tall are the “Grey Apes”?  Thanks

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Awesome.  Thanks so much!

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    After 6 years of fighting the system, it seems likely that my daughter will be able to go to a specialist school that can cater to her needs.
    That means that after 12 years of not being able to get a regular job as I have to be on hand for her 24/7 I may now be able to get at least minimum wage.
    A regular 9-5 with paid leave, sick pay and all that jazz, sounds like heaven!!
    IF we can get her a place at a specialist provision that means I won’t need to run Crom’s Anvil, as such it will go up for sale.
    14 spin cast production moulds
    All existing greens for the above moulds
    All existing stock for the above moulds

    Approx. 50 resin production moulds
    All existing masters for the above moulds

    All existing stock of card/MDF items
    Drop me a PM/e-mail if you may be interested.

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    I don’t have the entrepreneurial spirit, nor the funds for this kind of thing.

    But congratulations, that’s wonderful news. Also, thank you for everything, the service, the talks, the quality of everything you delivered.

    I am happy to hear you and your family found a way to support your daughter’s needs which is not going to cause a lot of extra stress.

    Are you going to keep on running the Wargames website? I definitely hope you will try and keep this going.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Are you going to keep on running the Wargames website? I definitely hope you will try and keep this going.

    Yup, this can be run around a regular job for sure.

    But congratulations, that’s wonderful news. Also, thank you for everything, the service, the talks, the quality of everything you delivered.

    Thank you!!

    Avatar photoSteven Francis

    Glad to hear the god news for your family, and really hope your daughter gets good support, I know the system can be faceless but hope this helps.

    As for the job hunting, when that happens, do not forget that your life experiences and hard work you have put in over the last year’s is something to use – good employers look at more then just the direct experience as life shows your resilience and ingenuity.

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Awesome news on the special provision school. From personal experience that will be a massive relief for you and the family. Once’s she is in a settle I am sure she will thrive.
    Pleased that you can still run this amazing site. Shame croms anvil will have to go. The miniatures at brilliant. All the best


    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoEtranger

    Good for you & your family Mike. I’d better put in another order though!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    And then it was sold…

    Avatar photoAlex

    Just caught up on this… looks like it’ll be in good hands with CP though!


    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoDaveH303

    CP have got a nice set of ranges and good to know the Crom’s Anvil range will keep going.

    Blogging about wargames at https://comment-deleted.blogspot.co.uk

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