Home Forums Sci Fi General Sci-Fi Anyone play Strike Legion?

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Just grabbed this since it was dirt cheap and I wanted something suitable for 6mm stuff, until I get around to trying my own hand at it 🙂

    Anyone play? Any thoughts on hte game?

    At a glance, it seems pretty cool though I’m not a huge huge fan of 2D6 mechanics when each individual unit fires.

    Looks like a unit builder in the back which is awesome.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen


    From my reading so far, it’s a lot more detailed than I’d expect from a 6mm style game, certainly more chrome than Dirtside or Epic.

    Might be a pretty good fit for 15mm gamers, come to think of it.

    Probably not quite what I was looking for, but worth picking up. They put a lot of work into the rules and they look really pleasing, visually.
    If you’re a bit of a gearhead, it may just right up your alley.

    Avatar photoDan Kennedy

    I’ve played the Operational Level rules a few times, they seem tightly written and give a good game, though it’s not quite what I  was after so I’ve moved on.

    I’ve only read the tactical level rules, not played, but they look good. It’s a different way of looking at it maybe but a good one. I like most of what that author does.

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