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    Avatar photoPaul

    So my order from CP Models arrived today; beautiful figures, but I am now faced with a dilema. The dude below has a really wide stance and won’t fit on a 25mm slotta base (which is the base I use for all my 28mm human-sized figures). Now obviously I could just stick him on a bigger base and the job is done, but what I am considering doing (for consistency in basing) is having him perched on a fallen piece of bamboo, tree branch, or something similar, and putting this onto a 25mm slotta base.

    Any advice on the best way to go about something like this?

    Thanks in advance

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    Avatar photoMike

    Can you bend him and have his left leg more vertical, bit like Daniel from Karate Kid and his crane position thingy?

    Avatar photoPaul

    I could bend him, but there is already another guy in a similar stance. What I’m thinking is maybe to cut away the base completely right to the soles of his feet, then drill his feet and use a pin to attach him to something. I remembered after I posted that I have a small plastic tree trunk from a 1/72 kit in my bits box (and my wife says I should throw things away!) so the easiest might be to pin him to that and glue that to the base. I’m just not really comfortable doing the major surgery of completely removing his base, but I guess I don’t have many options if I want him on a small base.

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    I think cutting him from his base might prove tricky. Why not just cut the base back to the edge of his feet, that will stop the overhang from being so obvious.

    Avatar photoPaul

    Yeah, I don’t think it will be easy, but I am really aiming for uniformity in my basing. My worry though is that it might look stupid having him perched on something substantially wider than his base, and he will also end up standing a lot taller than his comrades. I think I might just put this guy on top of the lead mountain for a while and think it over. Its not like I don’t have anything else to paint ๐Ÿ™‚

    Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!

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