Home Forums Ancients Battle of Carrhae solo report small table with own rules on blog

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  • #169996
    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    This is another game in play testing my new ancient rules by replaying historical battles. This one is the Battle of Carrhae 53BC between Crassus and the Parthians.  I am play testing the rules by chronologically replaying all the Peter Sides scenarios from his Historical Battles books.   I was using my own rules – Ancient Battlelines Clash (ABC) – for the previous games but am now using new rules that are played on a 12×12 grid and are sort of like a combination of DBA 1.0 and Ancient Battlelines Clash.  To be lazy, these are called Ancient Battlelines Clash – Gridded. I am stull writing the body of these rules.

    Note: I have been trying to grid my rules for years now.  Over the Christmas break I decided to play DBSA (the precursor to DBA1.0) on a grid (using the DBA on a grid rules from John’s Wargaming Page – thanks John, it has only been 10 years since I said I may give them a go) to see if I could steal some ideas.  But instead I ended up changing these rules a lot, incorporating many ABC ideas.  But it does play on a grid!  It is as if DBA 1.0 and ABC had a baby on a square grid 🙂

    The battle lasted all of 2 turns! The battle report is here:


    I acquired a carpet tile and marked some grids, just in case I did not like the game.  I may grid up a grass mat if I play these more and still enjoy them. And here is a shot of the initial battleline clash:

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