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    Avatar photoGermy

    Back in 2012 I ran a successful raffle for my sister who ran in the London Marathon. On Sunday she is running the Royal Parks half marathon – and to help raise money for her chosen charity Tommy’s I have decided to run a another raffle.

    The prize consists of a bunch of past Frothers charity miniatures with a couple of other bits thrown in.

    Raffle Prize

    To enter the raffle, you just need to follow these rules:

    Make a donation to my sister’s Just Giving page here http://www.justgiving.com/Katie-Claridge

    When making a donation, you must include your email address and enter the word ‘Germy’ in the message text so I know you are in the raffle.
    For every £1.00 GBP you donate, your name will go in the hat for the draw. Donate £5.00 GBP and your name goes in five times, etc.
    The raffle closes at 12noon GMT on the 10th October 2015. I’ll find a neutral party to make the draw.
    As I have two Sasha figures, I will also draw a runner-up prize to win one of those.
    I will pay the postage to any UK winner. If someone from outside the UK wins I’ll go half on the postage.

    Thanks for your support, and good luck.

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    Tank Girl and Booga miniatures?!? If there’s a Barney I’m in!

    Avatar photoMike

    Small donation made.

    Avatar photoGermy

    Tank Girl and Booga miniatures?!? If there’s a Barney I’m in!

    No Barney, but you’ll not get a Tank Girl or Booga anywhere else

    Avatar photoGermy

    Small donation made. GL

    Cheers Mike, appreciated.

    Avatar photoGermy

    And the winner is ….
    The Draw!

    and for those that don’t need the video
    1st prize went to Matt L
    2nd prize went to John B

    Thanks everyone for the donations, raised £184!

    Off to contact the winners 8)

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