Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Cheap Chinese trees – advice?

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    Avatar photoTony S

    So, I bought a lot of assorted model trees from Wish.  I knew the quality wouldn’t be so good, but I couldn’t pass up the price!  They arrived and they weren’t as bad as I feared.  The green foliage is a bit garish, but I just splodged on a more realistic and light green on top, so it looks a bit better and even added some natural looking depth.

    Anyway, my question is about the foliage itself and not the colour.  It seem to be falling off the tree armature quite a bit.  I’m thinking maybe trying spray adhesive to try and keep everything together?  Or perhaps a really, really watered down white glue and brushing that on?

    Anyone have advice or experience in these matters?  Although I’ve painted a lot of figures over the years, I really haven’t done much in the way of terrain.


    Avatar photoOB

    I’ve found watered down white glue and dipping the trees does the trick nicely Tony.


    Avatar photoMike


    This, I had some trees that I over flocked and soaked in PVA/Water/Washing up Liquid.

    Though in the end I ditched them for more expensive Woodland Scenics trees.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Those look great Mike – and I think we got the same trees.   I shall have to experiment a bit.

    I hadn’t thought of just dipping the trees, nor of adding more flock.   Thanks gents!

    We have a lot of Woodland scenics trees at the club, but after twenty years of weekly use, and being tossed randomly into a box, they’re looking a bit tatty.   I think as you two suggest, adding glue (and lots of it) will help longevity.

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