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    Avatar photoPeter Riley

    How much are our collections worth?

    The question cropped up several times as we talked to gamers at the Colours show in Newbury last year. And no one could tell us. We decided it was time to put that right.

    Our new Collection Calculator can now tell you instantly. Check it out here


    Once you’ve registered for your free account, you can build your own Table of Organisation and Equipment unit by unit and see how your collection increases in value as each additional item is added.

    You can also upload photos of your units and describe what they are and their current make up. We will then keep a record of your collection safe and sound for posterity.

    So please visit our beta website and let us know what you think. We would be very grateful for some feedback – particularly if you have any ideas on how we can make it even better. Oh, and tell all your friends. . .



    Avatar photoPatG

    Cool idea but I don’t see anywhere on your site where you describe how this information will be used.  While you are no doubt as respectable company, I wouldn’t want someone knocking on my widow’s door offering pennies to the dollar for my lead after I snuffed it. 😉


    Avatar photoAnother Wargamer

    Sounds very useful, but I’ll get into lots of trouble once I know how much I’ve spent on my collection.  Best not to know for me I think.

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