Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War Crampton's Gap 1862

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photoAnonymous.
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  • #4115
    Avatar photopiers brand

    Our first test of using Longstreet for a historical refight… Result was a repeat of history with the Confederates delaying the Union forces long enough to claim a strategic victory!



    Avatar photoGoliad

    Very nice looking game. I don’t live too far from the South Mountain passes so nice to see the battle on the tabletop. Another Union victory wasted by McClellan! What did you think about the Longstreet rules? I am thinking about buying them. From what I read I did not think they had skirmish/open order formations but it looks like you have a Union unit deployed in open order.

    Avatar photopiers brand

    Love th3 rules.


    Really give the right feel for the period for me and the campaign system is brilliant.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Love the layout! My favourite  period as it was the first I ever war gamed properly back in 1971. I think it is the diversity that makes the ACW an interesting conflict, from  Napoleonic style lines to trench warfare and the western and Eastern theatres. I use Honour and Glory  for 20mm games and good old Fire and Fury for the 15mm.

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