Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War Evil Dave’s 6mm ACW

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    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I started these a few weeks back on a whim. I’m average about 3 hours per 6ish strips.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    on a whim…

    Urm O.K. We all know where that goes in 6 mil – the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1:1 next year 🙂

    Historic or imagi-nations?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Historic at this point. I think my imagi-nations stuff is going to fully live in the SYW period with 10mm. They’ll be based on 20x15mm bases for F&F and/or Longstreet, and I’ll have magnetic movement cards for Altar of Freedom and Volley and Bayonet.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    They are lovely, just the right amount of pop!

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Norm.

    I finished up another two units this week. Three more to go, including some fun with flags, until I start basing them.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Coming along nicely.

    Are you freehand painting the flags or going for printed ones?


    Avatar photoEvil Dave
    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished another two units this week. All that’s left are the eight command strips, which I hope to finish next week along with the flags that came in for Tiny Tin Troops. Then I’ll get them glued to some bases and put in the flocking queue.

    Avatar photoMike

    Nicely done. Left the command until last so the last painting tasks are less tedious and therefore more enjoyable?


    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    There’s just different stuff to paint on the command strips (drum, standards, etc) so I didn’t want to bother figuring out how to paint those when I had the regular strips I could pump through. Now I’ve painted myself into that corner though.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Never worked out if it’s worth leaving the ‘odd’ strips to the end or use them to break up the monotony of strip after strip of the same…

    For 15 / 28s I did use heroes or specials for this (esp with borders like skaven or orcs) but the small guys have so little area different it never seemed the break I needed.

    Maybe slotting in so artillery or cavalry could help?

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished up eight command strips this past week for what I painted so far and got the Tiny Tin Troops standards on them as well. I’ve done some pretty fiddly conversion projects in the past and these are right up there with them. Between all the aligning, cutting and glueing they’re pretty involved. I like the effect though, they add a lot of character.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Ace – the standards are worth the pain as they add to the look of the troops.

    The project is coming along very nicely.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Andrew.

    I finished another unit of Union Infantry. I based the other eight I’ve done at some point too but never took a picture. They need basing still.


    Looking good!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    What he said, these look fantastic!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    In the last picture you seem to have three bases. I take it these are:

    1. The actual figure strip
    2. Magnetic or steel sheet
    3. Magnet or steel (opposite of number 2) movement try

    Any plan to fill in between the figure bases – a real pain I know 🙂

    Standards do look good when massed like that.

    (The little house at the back looks interesting – SYW I take it?)

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys.

    Andrew, I glue two Baccus strips to a 20x15mm base with a magnetic base bottom stuck on it. Those will allow me to play Fire & Fury or Longstreet, where units are multi-stand. I’ve made 60×30 magnetic-receptive moving cards for them, which is how I’ll use them for Altar of Freedom or Volley & Bayonet.

    I’ll likely fill between the strips, I think I can get a watered down wood putty in a syringe for easy of application. If that doesn’t work, then either air-dry clay, plasticard strips or bigger basing material.

    The house is actually a Warmaster one produced by Forge World.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I finished painting another unit of Union infantry. I think my Civil War stuff will be my next big push as I want to run a small game at a local convention in April.


    Nice work!

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Fantastic brush work. They look brilliant.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photohammurabi70

    Excellent stuff!!

    Why choose 6mm?  I have 2mm Napoleonics and 6mm WWII and cannot decide which scale is better for ACW.  2mm will do to differentiate between horse, foot and artillery but for WWII the smaller scale is too small to differentiate tank types.  ACW seems more like Napoleonics but perhaps I am missing something.

    www.olivercromwell.org; www.battlefieldstrust.com
    6mm wargames group: [email protected]; 2mm wargames group: [email protected]

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks guys.

    You could certainly get away with 2 or 3mm ACW, there’s not a whole lot of variety in the troop types (at least in the higher level rules that I’m planning on using) that would require unique equipment/colors/etc. Any differentiation is easily handled by a label noting regiment or brigade.

    As to why I went with 6mm, I’d say preference and/or familiarity. I’ve been painting 6mm since I was 10 years old. There’s enough detail there to make things pop at a few feet away but at the same time it doesn’t require the same amount of effort as say a 15mm figure to be of the same quality paintjob-wise, in my opinion. I like being able to do two paints per color (with an occasional wash) and pump out a unit in three hours.

    2/3mm infantry just doesn’t do it for me. I remember when Strength and Honour was getting a lot of recommendations on YouTube when it was coming out not too long ago. I was not a fan of the way those games looked at all though. Oddly, I’m fine with 3mm WWII but I think that’s because the infantry isn’t all on its own on huge bases as with S&H.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    I think the second colour really works (esp on the trousers) where as you may need another on the 15s. No way could you do two colours on 2/3mm figs even if you can see the legs 🙂

    I love 2/3mm but they can look a bit blocky if not careful so I can see your liking for 6’s.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I’ve been slogging through a dozen units of 6mm Confederate infantry in preperation for a game I’ll be running at a local convention the first weekend in April. I’ve made good progress these last few weeks, getting the base colors and wash down, plus a few highlights.

    I need to finish highlighting the grey and brown uniforms, the hats, bedrolls and wood. After that, I’ll do accessory cleanup, flesh and metals.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    They really look good, Dave.  Cracking job!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Darby.

    I finally done painting the Confederate infantry. We’re not going to think about the skirmisher stands I want to do for them right now. I’ll be top coating and basing them tomorrow in preparation for a demo game this Saturday. After that, I’m hoping to knock out the artillery, characters and a unit of cavalry before the first weekend of April.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Sounds like you have busy week but the results are looking good.

    Only if you can spare the time, please post some pictures of the game.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    No pics yet, I’m hoping to get a bit more polish on everything before the con so I’ll take pics then. The whole other side of this is all the terrain I’m building for it too.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    You do aa really good job, they look fantastic.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Darby.

    This was a nice, quick win: Eight units of artillery all ready to go. Painting 32 infantry goes a lot faster than painting 288 infantry.

    I also picked up AK Interactive’s Dark Mud for the bases. It’s easy enough to work with and has the added benefit of not needed any paint. It’s expensive but worth the convenience, I think.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    That mud looks very good.

    I’ve had two tubs of the stuff but never used it – first had a crack in the lid and went solid and the second tub my daughter ‘borrowed’ a year ago and I’ve never seen it since.

    I was amazed impressed when you mentioned you are doing the scenery – a real task but very satisfying I guess?


    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    The terrain’s been interesting. I’ve been shooting for low effort but good looking. The building has been over multiple sessions, which it at least makes it feel like it’s low effort.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Impressive – love the woods.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Nice!  Are your forests glued to the hills?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Just the one forest on the hill at the top of the photo. It was all ready rather bespoke from the trenches so I just glued that one on there. The rest are loose to maximize reusability.

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    I’ve been finishing up a bunch of odds and ends this week, getting everything ready for Sunday. All the bases have the AK Interactive Dark Earth on them, and I put the flags on the last of the Union and all of the Confederate infantry.

    I also finished up the Union generals as well. I need to finish a single Confederate general for Sunday and the rest I’ll save for next week. Then maybe the skirmishers or back to the Steel Rift.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Looking really good, Dave.  Armies to be proud of!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoEvil Dave

    Thanks Darby, I’m looking forward to getting flock on everything.

    I finished up the Confederate generals this week, and also cleaned up and primed my Union skirmishers. We’ll see how far I get with those in the coming weeks, there’s a Blood Bowl 7s games day in May that I need to paint a few more Orc positionals for.

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Looking really good, Dave. Armies to be proud of!

    +1 to this.

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