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    Avatar photoOB

    Carlist War

    I’ve been collecting both sides for the First Carlist War for years now and I’m nearly finished.  It’s a fascinating conflict to game.  The figures are 18mm from QRF, Capitan and Totentaz.

    Carlist War

    There are more pics on my blog and some thoughts about gaming the war using Field of Battle.  If it’s of interest here’s the link.



    Avatar photovtsaogames

    All those blue berets! Are you sure the Scots didn’t invade the Iberian Peninsula?

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoOB

    Could be a raid by Scots pirates.


    Avatar photoNathaniel Weber

    Impressive painting!

    From a historical perspective, is there a particular element that makes Carlist Wars interesting to play or different than other horse and musket settings?

    Avatar photoOB

    Thanks Nathaniel.

    If you enjoy painting it has an almost Napoleonic range of uniforms to paint.  As well as the wide range of Spanish units you have the French Foreign Legion, the British auxiliary Legion and a similar outfit from Portugal .

    The action ranges from charging skirmishers , Mountain Guns and ambushes in the hills to formal battle on the plains.  Fighting also includes sieges and storming entrenchments fortified hamlets.

    Some engagements look like a Napoleonic battle and others like something from the American Civil War.

    It’s not one of those where one side has a technological advantage in armament, say Minie versus Smoothbore.  So getting the tactics right really counts and as I outline on my blog  both sides have strengths and weaknesses to play to.


    Avatar photoNathaniel Weber

    Thanks Nathaniel. If you enjoy painting it has an almost Napoleonic range of uniforms to paint. As well as the wide range of Spanish units you have the French Foreign Legion, the British auxiliary Legion and a similar outfit from Portugal . The action ranges from charging skirmishers , Mountain Guns and ambushes in the hills to formal battle on the plains. Fighting also includes sieges and storming entrenchments fortified hamlets. Some engagements look like a Napoleonic battle and others like something from the American Civil War. It’s not one of those where one side has a technological advantage in armament, say Minie versus Smoothbore. So getting the tactics right really counts and as I outline on my blog both sides have strengths and weaknesses to play to.

    Cool, thanks. Underplayed/unfamiliar periods often call to me for gaming and collecting!

    Avatar photoOB

    I hear you Nathaniel I’m the same way myself.  BTW if you want a good source book, battles, uniforms, flags and whatnot The First Carlist War by Conrad Cairns published by Perry Miniatures is well worth getting.


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