Home Forums General PC and Console Gaming First flight in the A4 Skyhawk.

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    With the new 60-90s era none nuclear carrier USS Forrestal in the game, I felt i should try out the completely free A4 Skyhawk mod plane, it’s the only mod plane in the game that is equal to the full pay modules. It has high fidelity cockpit and a realistic flight model on the same level as the F14 etc.

    So I made a short mission, take off from Forrestal with my wingman, intercept two MiG21, and if I survive try and land the thing back on the carrier.

    The Skyhawk isn’t an air-to-air thing, as far as I know, it only has 2 or 3 aerial kills, 1 in Vietnam and 1 or 2 by Isreal. I don’t think it scored any aerial victories in the Falklands against the Harrier. But I gave it two very old school sidewinders, luckily the 21s have in anything even worse IR missiles. But the 21s can reach Mach 1 if they want to, the Skyhawk can’t.

    Except for a few minutes watching a few videos about how to actually work the weapons system, I haven’t any idea how to use this thing, this is my first experience with it.

    The Forrestal was made for the F14 in mind, as the F14 flew from it from the mid-70s until it was decommissioned in 93
    But was a big part of Vietnam, so the perfect home for the A4. And various plane makers are making A-6, A-7, and F-8, and probably the F4 will come too. Now if only we get a proper Vietnam map too. The Vietnamese/communist forces are well covered with the MiG 17/19 and MiG21,
    So give us a Vietnam map, some Vietnam assets, like NVA and VC infantry, and Vietnam-era US troops, and you’ll get the ultimate Vietnam war air simulator.


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    You;re making want to play DCS, just for the A-4.

    Small A-4 detachments were used as fighters on the Essex ASW conversions.
    Real Scooter pilots get air kill with FFAR.


    You;re making want to play DCS, just for the A-4. Small A-4 detachments were used as fighters on the Essex ASW conversions. Real Scooter pilots get air kill with FFAR.


    It’s a really fun plane,  I’m gonna try and make some SEAD missions for it, which was one of its bread and butter jobs during the Vietnam war, trying to take out SAMs, with highly ineffektive anti radiation missiles.

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