Home Forums General PC and Console Gaming Can a single F-4E tackle 3 MiG-21s

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  • #198896

    Answer is no, at least not while I’m driving it.


    Avatar photoJohn D Salt

    Presumably the right way to do it is to kill all of them with Sparrows beyond visual range.

    All the best,



    Presumably the right way to do it is to kill all of them with Sparrows beyond visual range. All the best, John.

    The Sparrow have a theoretical range of some 20nm. But in all instances you’d be lucky to hit anything past around 12nm. And to get a close to 100% kill we are talking 8ish nm. But which time you are no longer in BVR but BFM. So like in the video I can take down 1 MiG21 with the Sparrow and then I’m in a dogfight with 2 MiGs

    If you have equal number of F4s to MiG21s and you can coordinate really well. Then each F4 can take down 1 MiG21 before they get in BFM range.

    And even if you somehow managed to fire of a Sparrow from 20nm and hit that one MiG21. You’ll have to follow the Sparrow all the way to the target. Which means if you fire at 20nm by the time the missile hit. You’ll be 8-10nm away from the other MiGs and again find yourself in a dogfight.

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