Home Forums WWII Flames of War Rules 4th Edition.

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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Other than the announcement on the Battlefront web site and offer of 2 free updates if you own the 3rd Ed.  I don’t have a clue as to how much the rules will cost and or army books will need new editions.

    Avatar photoEtranger

    Oh FFS. They are getting too greedy. I dropped off the FOW roundabout at the second edition but this is just gouging their players,

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It’s not a happiness for me…..I’ll take my almost unused copy of V 3 and get the free books…but this may kill FOW for me…I still plan to play Team Yankee thou.

    Avatar photoBandit

    Hasn’t 3rd edition been out for more than five years?

    I’m not sure how a revision + free updates to owners of the past edition is poor after that period of time.

    And there is always the fact that if not playing in official tournaments, couldn’t a gaming group just keep playing 3rd edition? I play Johnny Reb 2 with our gaming group despite JR3 and Across a Deadly Field having been released. And I play D&D 3.5 Edition with people despite the company being on like 5th or 6th Edition now…

    DISCLAIMER: I don’t even like Flames of War.


    The Bandit

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Every one is free to play what ever games or editions they wish too.

    I’m just the messenger……..

    Don’t shoot !!!!

    Avatar photoBandit

    I’m just the messenger……..

    Don’t shoot !!!!

    No worries, “I likely won’t play 4th when I haven’t even really played 3rd” – which seemed to be what you posted – seems perfectly reasonable. I’m just reacting to the concerns expressed that Battlefront is being greedy and that this somehow harms their player base.

    Battlefront (my opinion) is massively focused on profit over substance, but I don’t see this as a good example of it.


    The Bandit

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Re: rule revisions in general.

    Isn’t it often the case that V1 is OK but with just a few annoying flaws.

    V2 corrects them but inadvertently adds others.

    V3 is the beginning of the spiral into unworkable, unlovable & unbalanced.

    V4…you can’t give them away.




    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Truth to tell I have not played FOW WW2 is over a year as I’ve been playing Team Yankee…which is been an un-learning FOW V3 and learning Team Yankee, and Team Yankee plays much simpler and more deadly. The cards speed up the game a lot….I have also come to love the new BF plastic kits and now hate the metal resin stuff.

    Again…don’t shoot !!!!

    Avatar photoNorm S

    I got the impression that V4 was intended to move closer to the Team Yankee model, making it more attractive for old and new players.

    Avatar photoRetroboom

    I’m optimistic. Might be enough to get me back into the FoW scene.

    Richmond, VA. Let's play!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Wait….what you don’t want to shoot me ??????

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Looks like the big roll out will come in March of 2017, as Team Yankee East Germans will take Jan. and Feb. to be released. More plastic WW2 kit and books for North Africa.

    Avatar photoGlen Davis

    Hello, If you had played V3 of FOW then you would know that it had almost enough errors and ambiguity to almost break it. What little I heard about V4 sounds like a whole new game. Im not sure why you would need to buy new models, buy I going to get the new V4 books and look at it like a whole new game.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I’ll be getting the free books, to see if I like it.

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