Home Forums Sci Fi 15mm Sci-Fi How big are your games?

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    For 15mm scifi, how big are your games in terms of infantry squads, vehicles etc?

    Ive always stuck to platoon level so 3-4 squads, a couple of vehicles, that sort of thing, but do people go bigger? Or more importantly do you want to go bigger in the future?

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    When I was playing sci-fi then the size you give would be about right.

    Around 30-50 figures with maybe one main ‘tank’ and a couple of lighter vehicles or possible up to 5 light vehicles and no heavy units would have been my top limit.

    Avatar photowarwell

    OHW style – 6 units

    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    OHW style – 6 units

    Interesting – not thought of this beyond converting the WW2 rules…


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Well now you see this depends…. if playing Hammer Slammers then there’s a whole bunch of stuff.  Like 20-40 vehicles and 10 infantry squads, it’s gets nuts.

    Most often though, I use 15mm for skirmish, and depending upon tech level there might be fewer troops and tanks than most peoples.  But, if playing mid-tech type battles there’s usually 3-4 vehicles per side and 4-6 squads/teams per side as well.

    And then there’s games like Heavy Gear…..

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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