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    DCS 2.8 is out, and besides big weather improvements, lighting improvement,  and lots of big updates to specific planes. The major thing is the update to AI Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) up until now. The AI would do a Basic attack on you. It would use it’s unrealistic energy advantage to try and take you out. Often the fight would end up with the AI doing more or less infinite loops, and you following.


    Now the AI will know the strengths of the plane it’s flying. And fly it to it’s strengths in a realistic manner(except for the MiG15, which still uses some sort of impulse drive) so an F18 will try and force a one circle fight. While an F16 will try and force a two circle. Gone are the infinite vertical fights.


    Here’s a very short video of me trying it out.

    I’m in an F14B fighting against a similar period plane the MiG29A. These are both 80s planes. The MiG29 being quite new in the mid 80s. While the F14B is an updated 80s version of a early/mid 70s plane.

    We half half fuel and two IR missles each.

    In both rounds the MiG wins the one circle probably because I’m going into the fight supersonic getting a big turn radius.  In both of the first turns only flares save me from a face full of missle. However on the subsequent turns when we are slower, I win the one circle. And if I was a better gunner. Would have taken out the MiG quickly.


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    I’m interested in seeing you test out the new AI with a lot of DACT.
    Would like to see you fly a Mig-29 vs F-14 next and see how well the AI fly.

    Don’t knwo if it was there before but I only just noticed the pilot’s helmet in the mirror, a nice touch since none of the flight sim I’ve played ever showed it.


    I’m interested in seeing you test out the new AI with a lot of DACT. Would like to see you fly a Mig-29 vs F-14 next and see how well the AI fly. Don’t knwo if it was there before but I only just noticed the pilot’s helmet in the mirror, a nice touch since none of the flight sim I’ve played ever showed it.

    Head in the mirror has always been there, the pilot body is new for this update (For the F14) most aircraft have bodies. Missing in Hind, Apache and F16 that I know of.

    I can try and redo the mission from the other side.


    Yea asked an yea have received.

    The Cat was surprisingly easy to take down. Even on Ace.

    I’m a complete noob in the 29. Only flown it mabye half an hour before, in fact. I had to look on YouTube just to figure out how the hell the weapons and lock on stuff worked.

    In the two first round I went into the merge supersonic, so way to fast. Yet still beat the AI on veteran, against the AI on Ace I did the merge slower and got a good turn.

    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Looks so much easier in a MiG-29 despite you being new to it.

    You know what would be interesting, you flying a MiG-29 vs AI Mig-29 (since you’re now to it) and then fly another plane you have a lot of hours in vs the AI flying the same plane.

    I’m kind of disappointed in F-14 damage model though, I was expecting pieces to be flying off, must be that legendary Grumman contruction at work.


    Looks so much easier in a MiG-29 despite you being new to it. You know what would be interesting, you flying a MiG-29 vs AI Mig-29 (since you’re now to it) and then fly another plane you have a lot of hours in vs the AI flying the same plane. I’m kind of disappointed in F-14 damage model though, I was expecting pieces to be flying off, must be that legendary Grumman contruction at work.

    I’ve never actually flow against the same plane in a dogfight (one mission had mig21s vs mig21s) but I flew ground attack.

    I am curious how the new AI affects the 21. Which is a plane I’ve flown against a lot in many planes (A4, F16, F14, F5 etc)  the 21 was one of those planes that just right away went into that infinite vertical.

    My next planned test F16 vs MiG29 at lower altitudes.

    But I’ll check the 29 vs 29 too.


    Sometimes the damage modeling and/or weapon damage is off/bugged. The F14 did blow well up in the first two rounds.

    Avatar photoOotKust

    No interest, but since one cant tell from unknown acronyms in subject…


    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

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