Home Forums WWII Kyoteblue's Terrain & Wargame Photos

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    Avatar photoWar Panda

    With John’s permission here are some of Kyoteblue’s fantastic terrain and minis. I really love the desert terrain and buildings. Where did you get the buildings Blue?

    The train photos look great too.

    Important Notice: Please notice the only carpet on view here is on the floor where it belongs

    Brilliant stuff all round John!





    Jonathan Keepers: The Hunt for Elvira set.



    A goat for Just Jack and a bear for War Panda.

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Wow, that’s pretty awesome actually.  On the one hand, until I saw these pictures I didn’t actually believe the old hippie was actually a wargamer.  On the other hand, the collection is pretty small, given he’s been gaming for the past 300 years. 😉


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks War Panda.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    No problem Blue. These deserve to be on a war-game site.

    And don’t mind Jack. He was just hoping for more close ups of the goat

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    That is just a small sample of all my gaming stuff Just Jack , I have plastic tackle boxes stacked under my table. Lots and lots of them.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Sorry, I misread the situation.  I thought it was showing a Panda sex-stalking the goat.  Art imitating life and such…


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Snort !!!!

    Avatar photoshelldrake

    I have to say I am a bit under whelmed –  I expected to see a plastic panda in every photo after seeing it in the first one!


    Jokes aside – thanks for posting the photos.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Thanks guys I’ve been working on this for a while.

    Avatar photoEtranger

    Well worth the wait to see these KB, very nice set up. The man cave looks good!

    That Panda looks hungry……

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I love my man cave….Oh and the buildings are Battlefront. I have had them for years.  Just now getting to use them.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    “Art imitating life and such…”

    Well Jack we’ve all seen your hills so we can’t ever accuse you of that…

    Hey Blue if you don’t end up finding an Elvira mini for your forth coming game I’m sure Jack will be more than happy if you proxy with that goat.

    More than happy…


    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photowillz

    A nice selection of war-gaming eye candy.

    Avatar photoJozisTinMan

    Thank you for posting this! I especially like the train, as Europe is crisscrossed with railroads, we probably do not include them enough in 20th century games.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    All the figures are 15mm, most of the models and figures are Battlefront with a few plastic Axis and Allies 2ed  tanks and trucks. I do all my gaming in 15mm so that all my terrain works from Cavemen to Spacemen. I also have some QRF  and Irishserb modern models, will be used in my modern games.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    The War Panda and Kyoteblue:

    While I object to pictures philosophically, I will concede that just this once it was nice to see Kyote-B’s inner ‘hood’. And Kyote-B better mobilize his Marines and QRF/Irish Serb kit to deal with the latest incarnation of radical Middle Eastern fundamentalism – Al-Panda. The first operative was clearly visible in several of the pictures posted here along with his hapless side-kick Abu-goat (AKA JJ). Hopefully we have learned from past mistakes and will act to take out this embryonic threat before Al-Panda attacks the Bronx Zoo and  Sea-World in its bid to establish an animal filled Disney Caliphate across the globe.

    Cheers and no photos.

    Rod Robertson

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Rod oh Rod…. I may use Al-Panda in a later game. For now Col Sokolove will fighting Bongo Haram and who knows maybe the French.

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    Dear Rod Roy MacSnigger,

    I don’t believe you appreciate the considerable risks and dangers involved in capturing these remarkable photos. Although the operation was deemed high risk, such was the priority of gaining assess to expose the activities of El Fati Jack Ah’mad Abou’ Goats  who was believed to have taken up with the Ayatollah Kyote in a system of man caves in the Kiamichi desert mountains in south-eastern Oklahoma. No proof of the existence of this underground complex was understood to have been gained over the years due to the  Ayatollah’s obsessive fear of photography. In the end it was El Fati Jack’s insatiable and vivacious appetite for exotic goats that eventually brought the region under the radar of P.E.T.A. who sent a small team of investigators to capture evidence of their activities. Contrary to belief the photographs indeed proved beyond doubt the wargaming exploits of the Ayatollah as well as the unmentionable but well suspected activities of El Fati Jack.  These photos were brought back under terrible personal sufferings of the team. The 4 man team itself returned unharmed but disastrously lost three pack donkeys to El Fati while making their escape. The circumstances of these poor animals is just too terrible to contemplate 

    I must say that your contemptible accusations made against this mysterious and rather heroic sounding figure, Al-Panda are completely unfounded.

    It is my belief that the Legendary Al-Panda is indeed just that, a Legend…

    A remarkable, humble and a very real Legend



    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    The War Panda:

    Alas, one of the lost donkeys has tragically been found; the victim of asinine exploitation by Astor Ibn El Fati Jack Ah’mad Abou’ Goat, the son of Al-Panda’s right-hand goat. The poor animal is being used as an object of sexual titillation in North America to sell fast food and raise money for the Ayatollah Kyote in Oklahomastan. Brace yourself for this ain’t pretty:


    And this is the kind of dreadful exploitation which Canadians and Americans are being forced to endure so that Abu-Goat and the Ayatollah Kyote can pursue their nefarious plans:


    And don’t think Europe and Ireland are safe:


    Storm clouds are gathering and the reckoning is fast approaching.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh My……

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    I literally laughed out load when I saw that first image…it actually has the look of a poor wretched animal that may have had a run in with El-Fati Jack…

    “And don’t think Europe and Ireland are safe:”

    Yes it looks like his tentacles are touching just about everywhere…

    (He did say tentacles right?)

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Er um The Sultanate of Ifat       does have Cthulhu in it’s DNA.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    What in THE hell is going on here???

    Avatar photoEtranger

    What happens in iFat, stays in iFat……

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It has spiraled out of control Just Jack……..puns and pandas every where…

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    “puns and pandas everywhere” ….you sir are a poet and a scholar

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    My computer hates me..I took more photos of the FCC forces but they didn’t load onto my facebook album. I need to hire a full time Computer Wizard.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Fantastic looking tables and love the little panda 🙂

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    There is a goat as well Ivan !!!  Oh and it looks like Okieland  will get snow all this week. So I will start a FCC game.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Kyote-B said:

    “It has spiraled out of control Just Jack……..puns and pandas every where…”.

    So, I guess it’s Pandamonium! I hope that didn’t get your goat as I was just kidding, but if the puns are too much, you can always beat me with a billy-club; a very cruel feta.

    Rod Robertson.



    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Breaking news: The next NWG game will be titled “Five Pandas in a zoo”

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    May I suggest a Pacific War Supplement entitled, “Five Pandas in a Bamboo Zoo”. This way they won’t starve and the game should have a longer run of popularity.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    “A Panda too far”

    Avatar photoWar Panda

    How about “Just Jack and 5 Nervous Goats.”

    And Rod don’t bother, Jack can’t bear puns and besides he wouldn’t recognize one if it came up and bit his donkey…or ass

    “The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad,
    For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    The Longest Panda.

    Panda Morant.

    Auchtung Panda.

    Force Panda from Navarone.

    The Battle of the Bulging Panda.

    Too Late The Panda.

    Go Tell The Pandas.

    Cross of Pandas.

    Inglorious Pandas.



    They were Pandas.

    The Desert Panda.

    The Blue Panda.

    Panda’s Heros.

    The Bridge Over the River Panda.

    Up Panda-scope.

    Panda, Panda, Panda!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Wonderful. THough I am afraid if I published a game called “furry”, I’d get the wrong audience buying it.

    Though they do say you should find a niche and market to it. 🙂



    The Panda has landed.



    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    Pandagrad! I love it!

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Full Metal Panda.

    Saving Panda Ryan.

    Panda at the Gates.

    The Panda Hunter.

    The Hurt Panda.

    The Big Red Panda.

    The Thin Panda Line.

    Letters From Iwo Panda.

    Flags of Our Pandas.

    Yeesh, I need to get a life!

    Rod Robertson.



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    This is so so wrong….but funny. You should do a supplement called kyoteblue’s guide to furry war games  Ivan.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen


    I used to play the Werewolf roleplaying game online and I’d get plenty enough furries contacting me that way 🙂

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