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    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    For me nothing’s worse than AWI, a miserable slog through the bushes with the least charismatic troops ever lead by a stonefaced balding Frankenstein in macaroon drag at his best when running away.  Of course, wedged unmercifully as it is between the tomahawk and bloody lace full tumescence of the FIW and the gaudy Wars of the French Revolution it can’t display it’s meager decolletage to advantage. As a kid if it wasn’t for the cool heartless Hessians I’d have given it a complete pass.

    Avatar photowillz

    Confused . com?

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Were I to take a positive tack I’d say that near future sci fi is my favorite period. Call it “post-ultramodern” maybe. Unfettered by current events and politics, as well as preconceptions about what any side “should” do or what “really” happened.

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    I generally have small patience for Ultramodern since it so often serves as an incubator for dwarf brains, but I agree: push it a few decades out and things can get interesting.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Nappys least favorite.  I like almost every thing else.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Yikes. Mike, do you think we could stop the negative waves and take a more positive approach? I’ll say I also have a soft spot in my heart for gothic sci fi, as Space Marine was my first introduction to miniatures gaming and I spent many happy hours painting Marine legions on warm summer evenings.

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    I’m not that familiar with Warhammer products, in any of its tech iterations. I get the sense that when it first began it was much more freewheeling, more of a Metal Hurlant sensibility. I get the sense that it, along with the Bolt Action stuff, is what’s driving (economically anyway) the hobby right now.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage


    I like negatives, without them there’d be no positives would there?

    Most favourite: Napoleonics, but that has been supplanted latterly by WSS

    Least favourite: Sci-Fi, followed closely by ACW/AWI/WWI Western Front.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoSpurious

    Least favourite is anything 18th century to Napoleonics. It’s the uniforms and hats (especially tricorns) and the lack of pikes to go with all those muskets. But mostly the hats.

    Favourite is 1960s to present day. It’s the tanks and tactics that draw me in for that, particularly big walls of T-72s and BMPs and the intricacies of fireteams running around doing their thing. That has got some stiff competition from various sci-fi stuff, though not so much the space-vietnam/colonies stuff, more lasers, teleporting and cyborgs punching aliens kinda silliness, since the ‘hard’ stuff might as well not even be sci-fi much of the time.

    There’s a post that’ll make me some enemies for sure.


    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    There’s a post that’ll make me some enemies for sure.


    a chacun a son gout, old chap.

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photogrizzlymc

    Least – pointy sticks of all sorts, although sci fi is a close second

    Most – Napoleonics, although I have a hankerin for the latter half of 19th C in parts of the world with colourful uniforms

    Avatar photoRules Junkie Jim

    Least favourite: I hate big battle Napoleonics, partly because of the effing uniforms that are a curse to paint, god the very thought of it makes my nose want to bleed, and also because of the tactics… if you’re in column or line STAY THAT WAY and don’t let the fronts ranks suddenly become skirmishers. OK?

    I like naval games where steam powered ships blast away at each other with big guns, that’s my favourite.

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    Apropos of nothing (or barely), the poor kaukazoidz who formed the backbone of the Confederate armies get regularly dunged for allowing themselves to be exploited in the interests of the southern oligarchs, yet I don’t see a meaningful difference between them and that third of Americans who thought backing  noted communards like Jefferson, Washington and Franklin was great idea.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Favourite – WWII (it’s what I grew up playing as a kid)

    Least – ACW (games at the club always ended up in arguments, so has put me off. Tried to like it but just can’t I’m afraid)

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    Right now I’m torn between recreating urban fighting in Heian-kyo during the Onin War and building a ratty army of the early French Revolution against an imaginary league of North Italian States.

    Avatar photoAlexander Wasberg

    Least favorite- Napoleonics, I can’t stand the uniforms and hats. Just can’t.

    Most favorite- Sci-fi, particularly Space Opera and mecha, with hard sci-fi/ultra modern a close runner up.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Favourite: Napoleonics; Hyboria-style fantasy

    Least Favourite: Modern, Ultramodern, future modern,

    Avatar photoMike Harrop

    Favourite – WW2 (non FOW or BA) Naps, High Fantasy and Dungeon Crawl Fantasy, Far future (non GW)
    Least favourite – ACW, WotR, ECW and Naps (I have a love/hate relationship with them)


    "This lighthouse is under attack, and by morning we may all be dead!" The 4th Doctor - Horror of Fang Rock

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    ACW gets props for being the drabbest of all bloodbaths. It was America’s first salvo in our war against flavor. Blue versus Gray in a war with a palette only a dog could appreciate.

    Avatar photoNick the Lemming

    Favourite: Napoleonics, closely followed by ECW.


    Least Favourite: Fantasy / Sci Fi.

    Avatar photoirishserb

    I’m a tread-head at heart, so anything with mechanization, WWII thru sci-fi is top of the list, as are colonials.  Everything else is secondary, though I tend to find just about everything interesting to some degree.

    Avatar photoA Lot of Gaul

    Most Favorite: Ancients in general, and Caesar’s Gallic Wars in particular.

    Least Favorite: anything from roughly 1700 onward. 


    "Ventosa viri restabit." ~ Harry Field

    Avatar photoMartinR

    Most favourite: WW2, in more general terms, anything twentieth century, including western front WW1, and probably extending back to the proto-modern bloodbaths of the APW and FPW. The long twentieth century perhaps? Rifles, tanks, flamethrowers, gas, nuclear weapons. What is not to like?

    Least favourite: anything I’m not really playing. Probably Renaissance or Dark Ages, both equally baffling as gaming subjects. I’m sure the Hundred Years War and all those knights on horses in general is also fun, but it never floated my boat.



    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Thinking about this, I have just really surprised myself.

    Years ago, I think I could have produced lists here, but these days, I find everything pretty interesting. I must be mellowing 🙂


    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    Yeah, me too.

    I’m getting really slushy in my old age. I’m even showing an interest in Fantasy, and ten years ago I would have laughed in your face at the idea.

    Not ‘against’ anything as a period – types of game – that’s another issue, but period, nah, no problems with anything I don’t think.

    Favourites: Napoleonic, WWII, Cold War hypothetically gone hot in Europe, Thirty Years War, Italian Wars, based on things I played 40years ago and still play regularly.

    Avatar photoShandy

    most favorite: medieval, space opera sci-fi. however, it’s not so much periods as playing style: as long as it’s a skirmish game, I enjoy all kinds of periods.

    least favorite: modern, ultramodern, postmodern, modern talking

    Avatar photoOlaf Meys

    Least favourite? It’s got to be bleeding Napoleonics. I got put off it by button-counting know-it-alls who insisted on the correct lace on 15mm figures.

    Favourite? That has to be the period 1910-1945.

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    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    There’s a certain type of eccentric third-rate “scholar” who confuses anality for erudition. For whatever reason they find our mutant hobby a warm, damp spot to grow their head fungus.

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Most Favorite Genres: Early WWII land and Ancients from 2500 BCE to 500 CE.

    Least Favorite Genres: Really none as I like to play everything but if pressed I’d say anything on land from 1500 CE to 1865 CE. Lining up to die is just not my cup of tea. Mind you I’d play games in this period and enjoy them if nothing else was at hand.

    Cheets and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    How is a pike phalanx or a shield wall not lining up to die anymore than any 18th century robo-tricorne plod?

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    I think the difference is between standing in straight lines to shoot and be shot at seems unnatural to me, while waiting in formation to close and melee makes a little more sense. The Pike Phalanx and the Shield Wall allowed the warriors to defend themselves somewhat effectively using their shields, but the rank and file in the Black Powder Period could only stand and/or advance and pray for their salvation. For example, playing 18th Century skirmish where figures seek cover and fire from the best protection they can find seems eminently more sensible than standing or advancing in an open field against massed enemies in the name of concentrating musket firepower. That just seems to be mobile firing squad tactics. I understand these tactics were needed given the weapons, technology and thinking of the time, but they cause me dispair and discomfort to a small degree.

    I’ll play the game and enjoy the fellowship around the table but I will slip into a mild funk at the pathos of such senseless slaughter. Strangely, the man-to-man butchery of earlier periods and the mechanized attrition of later periods seems more palatable to me as the targets seem to have more control over defending themselves in the face of attack. Even a French knight at Crecy or an English knight at Bannockburn seems to be more in control of his fate then the PBI of the Black Powder Period in my humble opinion. Likewise I think of the senseless slaughter of 1914-1916 and despair too. At least after 1916 tactics changed to try to avoid some of the slaughter to a degree It may just be an impression and it may not always be true, but it’s what I feel.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    As a small child watching Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon on cable I was in awe at the discipline it took to walk directly, almost courtly, into the mouths of  muskets. My earlier exposure to obsolete techniques of hi-volume murder had been all charging knights, rampaging vikings, and the occasional grainy footage of a panzer (almost as blurry as a clip of sasquatch) groaning around nameless gray acres.

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