Home Forums Ancients Madaxeman.com – Alexander The Great in Spain!

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  • #72921
    Avatar photomadaxeman

    After an unfeasibly long delay, the 6-game “Worlds 2017” set of L’Art de le Guerre match reports are now released into the wild in all their multi-faceted glory!

    Set in the sun-drenched uplands of Salamanca in Western Spain, the biggest event in the world draws out Hannibal’s only true rival, Alexander The Greats own army to take on opponents from across the swathe of time, from their own back garden in the form of the Classical Indians all the way to the Middle Ages and the Ordonnance French.

    Thrill as Alexander himself narrates in these 6 match reports, stuffed full of videos, inappropriate accents, suggestive double-entendres and all manner of painted lead as it refuses to melt in the Spanish heat, and Gasp as Hannibal skillfully and not at all politely deconstructs it all after each game.

    And, in a special ADLG bonus, Even The Man, The Legend, The Hero – El Kreator Herve Caille gets a look-in as Alexander’s Phalanx clashes with the authors own concoction of an army in Game 4!

    Incroyable! read all about it here!

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    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Very entertaining, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I always enjoy reading of your battles. No idea how the rules work.

    Avatar photomadaxeman

    They are basically a kind of scaled-up DBA, written in proper English but with units also having varying numbers of hit points (4 for HI, 3 for Cv & MI, 2 for LI etc) which can also be rallied, rather than them just being alive/removed as in other DBx-based sets

    http://www.madaxeman.com/L_Art_de_la_Guerre_page.php for an overview

    You can:
    - see more of this rubbish at www.madaxeman.com
    - Listen to the Madaxeman Podcast on any Podcast platform
    - Follow Madaxeman on Twitter @Madaxeman

    Avatar photoPhil Sherlock

    Excellent as always




    Today is a good day to diet

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