Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic Magister Militum or Blue Moon for 15mm Napoleonic

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    Avatar photoNorm S

    I picked up a French Brigade from Magister Millitum and have since noted that Blue Moon are doing 1809 French. Has anyone owned both figure ranges that can give a comparison. Their pricing seems close, though you can buy in 8’s from MM, while buying in 30’s for BM (Via Old Glory).

    Avatar photoOB

    BM are at the large end of the scale and MM at the small end so I don’t think you would get a livable look even on separate units.  Minifigs are tolerable with MM to my mind anyhow, if you like them.


    Avatar photoNorm S

    Thanks OB – I am trying to contain my gaming of various periods in the scale range of 10mm / 12mm and 15mm (though probably the smaller ones so that my terrain is more multi-functional). On that basis alone, in view of what you say MM seem like they would serve me better (though I think the MM  sculpts are probably quite old and I have heard that BM are very nice, so I was thinking for the same money BM might have been the more sensible buy)

    Avatar photoOB

    You’re welcome Norm.  I have MM for French revolutionary wars and think they are very nice though I think you get more figure variation per pack in that range.

     I’m stuck to think what else might match though I’ve been told the early Battle Honours stuff is quite smallish- especially the British, I have some BH Revolutionary French mixed in with my MM and Minifigs which seems to work OK.  


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    Blue Moon Figures

    I have some Blue Moon French infantry in overcoats – Here’s a photo of them in a game. I don’t have MM Napoleonics – just ancient figures. BM are indeed large and they are fairly hefty, nice sculpts. They are march attack figures. The muskets and bayonets are thick without appearing to be telephone poles. I’ve not had a bayonet (or anything else) break on these figures and they have seen a bit of use since 2013.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

    Avatar photoNorm S

    They are lovely – thank you.

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