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    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Just random musing really, but has anyone successfully done an imagination whose history is played out over several distinct periods?

    Something like having my imagi-nations go from Medieval through 30 Years War, Seven Years War, 19th Century, 1930’s and ending up as Moderns. Wildly overambitious and it would take me years to do, but as a pipe dream it has an attraction.  I was thinking each war would have to end with a peace treaty which returns borders to what they were at the start, so I can play them in any order without it impacting what happens further down the time line.

    So, anyone tried something like this? 

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    It’s something I plan to do at some point, mainly from 17thC through to the mid 19thC. Just a few vauge ideas at present but could be lots of fun.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Civilisation type games do it, so perhaps their game engine could be a starting point.

    Avatar photoPatG

    I could see doing this on a much shorter timeline Colonial (maybe even vsf) WWI, 30’s interwar / vbcw, WWII

    Avatar photowillz
    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Thanks William, that’s just what I was looking for. 

    And I can add the future to my list of periods I want to do lol


    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Civilisation type games do it, so perhaps their game engine could be a starting point.

    I have something like that in mind for my Sumerians, though it’s all pretty vague at the moment. 

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I have done this with my Imagi-nation The Sultanate of Ifat which spans pre-history to the future. Ifat is a small place some where near the Horn of Africa . It’s a blend of Casablanca, the Marx Brothers and Call of Cthulhu. It’s been conquered and abandoned by every great and small Empire or Civilization known to mankind and a few who are not.

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    And I can add the future to my list of periods I want to do lol

    Not to pile onto an already ambitious idea, but why not add a fantastical mythic past while you’re at it? Think about it: What’s a country without a national epic all its own, like the Kalevala or the Nibelungenlied? Here’s your chance to craft one, or rather, a vague outline of one, story-within-a-story style, focusing on some dramatic gameable conflict with loads of heroics and a balanced measure of low-fantasy supernatural elements, all of it visualised (playfully, not too seriously) through a lens of 19th and early 20th century national romanticism (complete with winged helmets, of course).

    Avatar photocmnash

    Have you seen Just Jack’s Hakuna-Matata blog?


    He’s going for multi-period, although MUCH more condensed than your plan – they’re all post WW2

    I have to say, I do like your idea – consider it borrowed!  


    Avatar photoCount Belisarius

    Thanks for linking Willz. Not sure I qualify as a gent 😊.

    The Savage Swans have developed quite a history in several scales. Currently have them in:

    6mm and 30mm SYW

    20mm WSS

    28mm FPW

    6mm SF

    15mm Dark Age

    And I have the following lined up:

    15mm FPW/ACW

    10mm Sudan

    10mm League of Augsburg

    28mm Early Medieval

    They may even pop up in a Macedonian phalanx…

    It may take a little while to come up with a coherent history to cover the lot though!



    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    Have you seen Just Jack’s Hakuna-Matata blog? 

    I’ve been working though all his blog posts, the Hakuna-Matata idea is sort of similar to what I’m planning on doing with my 19th century armies, with firearms and artillery being upgraded between wars, maybe based on performance in the most recent war.  I’ll worry about that stage once I get the first war started. 

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Vicki – So you have been advertising, I just missed it, sorry!  Well, you know I like the idea in general, and I like your idea specifically.

    Thanks Colin; yep, this is what I’m trying to do, albeit in a shorter period of time.  Actually, my ‘Cuba Libre’ story is more of the same, but from 1990 to present (and with a lot of fudging regarding weapons and equipment).


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